Best device to watch Dolby Vision content in highest quality?

Hi, I’m sure this has been asked so many times, but couldn’t find a direct answer. Been using Kodi with Fen Light on an Xbox Series X (I Know, right) since last year with an LG C3. I have to settle with just HDR content since the Xbox is unable to use DV on Kodi.

Would really like to be able to get DV content in the highest quality but I’m unsure which device to go for. I’m only looking to stream 4k DV content using kodi add ons

From what I understand the shield pro 2019 does display DV but not in highest quality. I believe the Ugoos AM6B+ is king when it comes to DV media players, is the set up easy?

If I’m only looking to Stream 4k Dolby vision content through Kodi add ons, is the AM6B+ overkill for my needs or something I should definitely get? And if so, what is the set up process in Layman’s terms.

Open to other suggestions and any help much appreciated, thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+