CoreELEC 19.4-Matrix_rc2 Discussion

If crazycat doesn’t work then you need to uninstall crazycat addon, reboot, refresh ce repo, install crazycat addon.

I have tried this but can’t update ce repo. I checked for addon updates and the screen has been on 0%for about 20 mins. In info the repo is 19.4 and it says there are no updates available if I select versions. If I try to use the repo to update crazycat or Tvheadend 4.2, (showing version 19.3.125 as the latest version) i get a message 'Installing the addon from zip file located at… failed due to an invalid structure.

Sorry but I’ve run out of tinkering time for today. If you could give me any other clues, I’ll pick them up tomorrow. Reverting to 19.3 again now.

I’m also back to 19.3. 19.4 (nightlies and RC) seems to have lip sync issues and I’ve had issues with getting the TV to change res and into HDR upon starting a file. Stopping and restarting gets it working. 19.3 is spot on.

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My Odroid N2 updated to 19.4 rc2 today from rc1, and now I am getting strange artifacting when fast-forwarding any MPEG 2 files recorded from 1080i OTA TV broadcasts when using hardware acceleration. There is also a occasional artifacting during normal speed playback. The upper 20% of the video looks normal, but below that the video is unstable.

Please upload some 3-5 minutes file sample for test


Upload debug log with libCEC components selected

For HDR issue samples and steps to repeat required

@sonofdibnah Please upload full log after update and CE repo refresh… it should be there…

Here is a 3 minute sample file:

rc2 turn off ‘disable gui scaling’ option by default.
UI looks very blur on 4k device.

I have the same problems at 3 different x2 boxes (Vosen V1 X2,Bqeel y5 X2,H96 Max X2)
its only at interlace content with hardware acceleration

on a fresh install on SD card is the same problem
With RC1 everything is ok

On a x3 box (X96 max+) and a 922x Box (Orbsmart S86) everything is ok with RC2

On X2 DI related colors will be fixed later, need di change in dtb.
N2 shouldn’t be related. I will check later if it possible to repeat…

Thanks for trying to help @boot2k3. I tried to recreate this on a clean install on SD card but I can’t. I suspect it’s something to do with my set up only, so I’ll resolve it with a fresh install when I have the time.

It’ was a bit more than the Coreelec repo not updating though. When I was messing, any attempt to install from the Kodi repo would stay at 0% and system info would show ‘busy’ until I stopped it by turning off the wired connection. I also noticed that the Tvheadend client had updated to 19.4.1 whereas the server was still reporting as 19.3.125.

Hi All,
I have a problem with TVHeadend as it doesn’t recognize the tuner
My device is DreamMax B9S2X 1g ram 8gb S905D tuner montage M88RS6060 android 7.1
Coreelec 19.4 rc2
Tvheadend server 4.3
I’ve tried all of them, but the tuner doesn’t work

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@cyclone99 , I couldn’t repeat this issue on any devices I have…
Please perform actions to repeat issue and execute dispinfo command while watching this video and upload link you receive. And also please upload full log after.


Log file:

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You just uploaded kodi.log, not full log…
But from logs we have now I see that you use 4k 59.94Hz as GUI resolution.
And in that case it starts 1080i 59.94Hz video in 4K 59.94Hz resolution.
If GUI in 4K then for correct view you need to select in whitelist needed 1080p and 4k resolutions and refresh rates.

But yes, I see the garbage on ff and fb with your config.

Yes, enabling GUI scaling or setting up a whitelist does fix my issue with RC2.

I boot from SD card and I used to map emmc using this command

DATAOFFSET=$(dmesg | grep mmcblk | grep '  data' | awk '{ print $7}'| sed "s/.$//g" | head -n 1)
OFFSET=$(printf "%d\n" $DATAOFFSET)
if [ ! -d $MNTDIR ] ; then
 mkdir "$MNTDIR"
losetup -f -o "$OFFSET" "$EMMCDEV"
mount -o noatime,nodiratime "$LOOPDEV" "$MNTDIR"

but now grep cannot find the offset for emmc. grepping ’ data’ finds nothing.
What changed?

The output I have when running dmesg | grep mmcblk is:

CoreELEC:~ # dmesg | grep mmcblk
[    0.767376@3]- mmcblk0: emmc:0001 SLD64G 57.6 GiB
[    0.767598@3]- mmcblk0boot0: emmc:0001 SLD64G partition 1 4.00 MiB
[    0.767822@3]- mmcblk0boot1: emmc:0001 SLD64G partition 2 4.00 MiB
[    0.768043@3]- mmcblk0rpmb: emmc:0001 SLD64G partition 3 4.00 MiB
[    1.225172@0]- mmcblk1: sd:aaaa SC32G 29.7 GiB
[    1.227432@0]-  mmcblk1: p1 p2
[    2.223610@1]- init: ### /dev/mmcblk1p1: 125 files, 28715/65501 clusters
[    2.495029@1]- EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities
[    2.495478@1]- EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): couldn't mount as ext2 due to feature incompatibilities
[    2.554313@1]- EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)

You are using some hack from 2019 year.
It’s not supported.
Use official ceemmc tool.

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Please pick your used dtb again from here and try again: