CoreELEC 21.0-Omega Amlogic-ng Discussion

Please explain further. I’m not sure how a log will help you determine where the problem lies when the option is missing from the GUI itself?

EDIT: I have flashed CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.0-Omega-Generic.img.gz and I am still missing the Dolby Vision options on AM6B+.

Should I use 21.0-Omega/CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.0-Omega.tar instead?

Bit confusing seems like lots of releases on github all with the same version number over last few days.

Should we all keep updating everytime there is another ‘21.0’ release?

Any chance you could start versioning these fix releases rather than have them all labelled ‘21.0’? Thanks for all the work/effort all the same.

This is the problem with the “users” only using a release. So some bugs are triggered lately and not within nighlty tests and the release needs a “hotfix”. We hope to have catched most problematic items and all users with 21.0-Omega should just update again with same release newly downloaded from Releases · CoreELEC/CoreELEC · GitHub.

I just flashed this release and am only getting HDR and no Dolby Vision. No options for Dolby Vision exist under System/CoreELEC.

What Portisch said and please make sure you have dovi.ko as mentioned here: CE-NG Dolby Vision for G12 boxes (u22xj, am6+, firetv cube)

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Updated to April 9 Omega on my Odroid N2+, Hulu still freezing but Amazon, Disney+, Netflix and Youtube all work fine.

Anyone else having issues with Hulu and Omega?


I want to install CoreELEC 21.0-Omega and I am looking for the right device-tree for my Odroid N2 4GB, but it seems that all device-trees at are down.

Where else can I get my device-tree?

Thanks for reply!


Odroid N2 has dedicated img with dtb & BL already included, no need to modify anything.


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Thanks for your quick reply :+1:


  • Khadas VIM3L device.

  • Freshly flashed original VIM3L firmware, from time since I bought it, working fine for my other vim3l device, cemmc’ed years ago, at some older 9.2 (?) version - VIM3L_Pie_V191011.7z

  • Vanilla uSD card with latest Omega 21-ng

  • Install to internal eMMC (ceemmc) works only in Dual Boot Mode, not Single Boot.

Issues found so far:

  • When wifi enabled (although not used, not even configured), with ondemand governor CPU freq is locked to the maximum all the time, due to dhd_dpc and irq/54-meson-am processes, taking a lot CPU. I can see That leads to expected +10/+15 °C on idle box.

CoreELEC:~/.config # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor
CoreELEC:~/.config # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq
CoreELEC:~/.config # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq
CoreELEC:~/.config # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq
CoreELEC:~/.config # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq


try dual boot mode

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Hi, after direct update from CE 20 to CE 21 /to last nightly release from 13. april 2024 through .update folder/ is is not going internet connection after suspend. TV box have 1000 mbit issue, so i had script for suspend / resume/ power. Now i need restart after suspend for internet connection. With clear start of tv box is ok my script with same command: ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full

In CE 20 was both scripts (for resume from folder sleep.d and autostart ) OK. Something is wrong with script for resume from sleep.d in CE 21. (231 Bytes) (287 Bytes)

I have read all the above comments regarding the Omega upgrade channel showing “21 Omeg” etc. On my N2+ however I see two "21 Omeg) options but no 21 Omega option so cannot proceed with the upgrade. I there something that needs to be done to enable the 21 Omega option to be displayed?

Thanks to the Dev team for your ongoing work and dedication.

Update again manually by 21.0 release and its fixed:

I added also link to the exact firmware from Khadas to my previous post.

To be honest, I didnt remember ceemmc output, when it was sucessfull last time when I use the tool, but having only binary in and KVIM3L officially supported (and no HW revisions to mess with testing, firmware available) I am relying totally on CE devs.

If there is anything I could try (dig deeper, get some more logs) just let me know…

Hello I just started looking into CoreElec and have one question and I searched but couldn’t find an answer. Does CoreElec do FEL properly, because the way Zidoo and Dune do it isn’t really true FEL and the chip used in the newer Dune Solo 8K is the non -J Armlogic version and way overpriced. My understanding , and correct me if I’m wrong, is in order to playback FEL like a UHD player the chip has to be able to decide 2 H265 streams/layers at once. The RPU method described below is a “work around” and doesn’t give the full benefits of FEL.

The media player supports direct playback of Dolby Vision profile 7 FEL double-track and double-layer files. This is the most advanced Dolby Vision format. The media player plays video in this format using both tracks/layers. The important Dolby Vision information from the second track/layer (Dolby Vision RPU metadata) is transmitted to TV together with video data from the first track/layer. The passed video data uses 10-bit color depth - the maximum color depth supported by OLED-panels in OLED TVs, i.e. this fully uses the capabilities of OLED TVs. Combined with the full use of Dolby Vision metadata this gives an excellent Dolby Vision picture on the TV screen.

Only these two devices can do FEL, Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+ - Development / Development & Testing - CoreELEC Forums

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FEL is confirmed working on the Fire TV 2nd gen Cube as well, it uses the same s922 SOC.

Thanks for the quick response! I just wanted to confirm other stuff I read like the below on Reddit before buying one. 8 read the Amazon ones requires a custom bootloader so not an option for me.

It is now very mature and about a year ago, the CoreElec team noticed that DV FEL works on the Amlogic S922X-J SoC due it being the only SoC free of Dolby’s decoder restrictions that hobble FEL playback on other streaming boxes