CoreELEC 21.1-Omega Amlogic-ng Discussion

Thanks for the reply - i understand what you are saying

but at the same time - i have had this box running on all CoreELEC stable releases since 2022 and its always come back from standby in circa 5seconds without any wifi issues

so why would it only be doing this now - and not before ?

is it worth trying nightlies?
is there some other fix i could try ? as the hardware is clearly capable of suspend / wake

to explain a little further - the reason its an issue for me is - i use the box many times a day and it takes 1-2 minutes to boot from shut down - vs 5 seconds of near instant from suspend - so it is a bit inconvenient. I don’t want to leave it and the screen on when not in use.

there was a 400+ post thread on this box alone - so i won’t be the only user with this issue

thanks again for your input

Why then? There is not much difference from Standby mode and "Settings → Interface → Screensaver → SS Mode → Dim => Settings => 1%. This completely turns off the screen in 1-60min wait time, and power consumption is marginally different between these two options.

thanks for this - i will give it a go!

Why not just adjust the CEC adapter settings to keep the device always on when you turn off your TV? It only uses a few watts when idle. It’s what I do, so it’s always ready to go when I turn on the TV.

OK i tried dimming to 99% when not in use
power use was as follows

box on suspend mode - less than 1 watt
box and screen on - not playing video - 67watts
box and screen on - not playing - dim 99% - 41watts

so dimming 99% via screensaver saves around 39% or 26 watts - but its still consuming 41 watts - so less than ideal

thanks - will try this next :+1:

WHICH box is that?
If it is X96 Air 4/32GB, it comes with a 5V 2A (that is 10W!) power adapter and it has “Power Consumption of 6W” !!!
For comparison, Ugoose AM6B+ comes with a original power adapter 12V 2A; that is 24 Wats!

yes - that box -

the - power used figures are including the screen - as the test was to look at the power saving by using the dimming feature.

Can’t you see that those numbers, 67W and 41W, are completely IMPOSIBLE to achieve with a 10W power adapter??? Same goes for your conclusion regarding power savings.

Also, if you are so concerned with power consumption during inactive state, you must in
CoreElec Settings → Hardware → Performance → CPU governor → set to “ondemand”; this way CPU can slow down to lowest frequency and power consumption during inactive states.

maybe try re-reading my post …


box and screen on - not playing video - 67watts
box and screen on - not playing - dim 99% - 41watts

Again, complete nonsense, no matter how many times I red it.

Maybe I could comprehend it if you explain to me how you get 67W out of a 10W power source.

er…are you just looking for an argument ?

clearly the screen is using the majority of the power

Just turn the screen off and leave the box on like jonnypuma said. Not sure why there’s so much back/forth on this.

Maybe I could comprehend it if you explain to me how you get 67W out of a 10W power source.

er … again - no one said that was happening

you seem to have invented a scenario in your own mind that you have then taken exception to

Then explain what does this mean. If you write wrong or bogus power use results, how can anybody believe in your conclusion?

Or this quote above you did not write, but I invented it?

the quote is accurate

what you seem to have invented is that the box itself is drawing all that power

that has not been stated or inferred

whereas it has been clearly stated several times now that the screen is drawing the majority of the power

clear ?

Have you tried turning the TV off?

Yes, completely.
Not to try again to understand something so badly written, that it needs additional, and again not complete, explanation in a completely wrong thread.
Have a nice day and please save and conserve power as much as possible, no matter what method you use, since that will save our planet.

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Tuner : DVB-S2/S2X/T2