I checked that thread and downloaded the image from it but it doesn’t fix it for me. Also, after more testing I found out it has only to do with 4k itself and not HDR specific. Actually I’ve been able to get my BBC earth 4K/HDR playing by whitelisting 3840 × 2160 @ 25Hz. But as soon as I stop the playback my screen get distorted.
For now LibreELEC 9.0.0 unfortunately is the only distro which plays all my files with correct video, including 4k and HDR. But it has two major drawbacks which is no official support and somehow it does not playback MP2 audio (from satellite TV).
So I hope this will get fixed some time.
EDIT: After some further study I now have my MKV files playing fine. For that I had to whitelist all the 4K resolutions. Still don’t understand why that is necessary only with CoreELEC. Anyway, my 4K live TV satellite channels still give audio without video. Video is visible in PiP preview but “No signal” as soon as it goes full screen.
@IanPH we are still working on the HDMI driver to get it to a point where it works well for everybody, the LE kernel is inherently broken in other ways and they have no interest in trying to help users with it, instead leaving it to BayLibre in the hope that their mainline work will fix what they are unable to.
We are looking for people who are willing to test the changes so if you are interested then hit me up with a message.
I currently use a Tanix TX3 mini, I’ve just got a Odroid C2. Both devices are now running CoreELEC 8.99.2. The question is, can I use the Tanix Coreelc system backup in Odroid C2?
There can be several reasons why you have “jerks” ie subtitle stutter:
a) you don’t have dirtyregions set to 0 in advancedsettings.xml
b) you have a sintax error in advancedsettings.xml
c) you have incorrect file format for advancedsettings.xml
d) you placed your advancedsettings.xml in wrong folder
e) you did not reboot after making change to advancedsettings.xml
To try if my advancedsettings.xml works for you, download it from here
copy it to /storage/.kodi/userdata/ and reboot.