CoreElec HW monitor

First You have to install docker - reboot
Download and execute install script - reboot
Open url in Your browser

Docker is not required to be installed additionally if you follow this instruction

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I did it and it works.

SBC running CoreElec OS.
Installed CoreElec Docker service.

Did I something wrong ?

The docker is installed on my box from the repository but I still can’t get it to work…

Edit:Ok, I rebooted once more and it worked :slight_smile: Thanks a lot for help.

Ok, one more thing.

I don’t have any info about the CPU temp.
What is the simpliest way to add it now?

I installed netdata using the script earlier in the thread

Is there an easy way to update netdata to the latest version?
I don’t particularly need an update as such but the netdata team suggest you should always run the latest version.

entware netdata has been updated to 1.30.1

it is possible take the temperature of external hard disk connected to coreelec?