CoreElec N2 Stopped Working - Cannot Boot

Now who can’t/isn’t reading?
Didn’t I say the files are HIDDEN on Mac OS, so folder isn’t empty otherwise trash would not say emptying 400+ items.
All system folders and files are by default hidden on Mac OS, but can be made visible (greyed out) with a terminal command.
I use a little free app IvisibliX to toggle hidden/show which is much easier.

So everybody, you see I can, do and have figured out many things for myself.

The folders I am talking about are not hidden.


Maybe not on CoreElec or on Windows or whatever you’re using,
but they ARE hidden on Mac bc of default setting that hides all system files, esp anything with dot in front, and all 3 of those folders have that - .cache, .config, and .kodi
AND there is no external port for eMMc
AND here’s how to copy playlist from external drive to Kodi app -

You’re welcome.

Sorry but with that you lost any shred of credibility you had left.
Bye and good luck with sorting it all out yourself.


As if I care what you consider credible!
You’ve done nothing but send me down rabbit trails and on wild goose chases.

I’ve edited your post reply to shoog.

If you attack members personally one more time

I will personally delete your account

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Well this whole thread has at least made for slightly interesting reading. I wish adamg was still around just to see what he would have replied.

@ds_tx people have been trying to help you not lead you down rabbit holes or trails as you call them. What is still currently not working for you on your new install? The emmc fits directly to the board and you will need to open the case to carry out this function. The hard kernal website shows all this information and Google can be your friend for some of your more basic queries.

I’m my opinion emmc is a better way to go but obviously increases the cost of the board. Good class 10 SD cards should function without issue and give you a stable working system. You would have received one of these when you brought the system.

Can you let people know what you are using to navigate through the menus on your system a mouse or remote? Advice can then be offered on copying your files.

The backup function in CoreELEC works really well you will find it in settings then CoreELEC then system. If you plug a USB device (thumb drive or pen) into your box you will be able to backup and restore from here. Alternatively it automatically backs up into the backup folder contained within the home folder. You may need to go back a couple of levels by clicking on the top folder back icon before you see attached drives.

Last bit of advice try to be pleasant and you will find people a lot more willing to try and help you. I have run multiple CoreELEC boxes in various different ways and have always found the information I need here. This has come either from reading existing forums or by asking a polite question. Also remember this software is all created, updated and improved by people getting no financial gain who give their time and expertise for free.

I’d advise that you take in any information you have been given here and stop meddling around with things you don’t understand and can’t be bothered to research. CoreELEC is not your personal collection of tutors, but more here to assist those that have tried to educate themselves but need a little help here and there, along with issues specifically attributed to CoreELEC. Please stop polluting this thread with your ever changing issues, as you are presently not complying with forum etiquette. Thanks. :wink: