CoreElec + Odroid N2+ - WiFI and LAN At Same Time


I need help with my setup for an Odroid N2+. Basically my router is on the ground floor and my Odroid N2+ and NAS are on the first floor. I have a wifi adapter on my Odroid N2+ (Module 5A) plus created a seperate LAN network for the ethernet connection so that my box can talk to NAS through LAN, that way my movies are streamed over the LAN network but the Odriod gets internet connection via WiFi. The problem I am having is that the WiFi adapater always shows as ready whenever I power on my N2+. I have to disable the ethernet connection then WiFi shows as connected then re-enable the LAN connection so that I can stream movies from my NAS.

Can someone tell me how i should have things setup if I want to use WiFi for internet and LAN for connection to NAS.

You can try the USB power option. Then the WiFi adapter should have no power on suspend/power off. Then maybe the LAN has priority on resume/boot over WiFi.

Hi Portisch

What do you mean by the USB power option? I am not that great when it comes to make changes to CoreElec. Would like wifi to be priority if possible.

Hi Portisch

I tried what you said by disabling USB power but still doesnt help. The lan connection always takes priority which means the wifi connection stays in ready state. Is there anything I can do, such as put some code in the autostart file so that upon boot make wifi priority over lan?

Not really. I think it’s handled by connman but i am not sure. Maybe @vpeter do have a idea how to control such items.

Maybe [SOLVED] Network Connections Priority - LibreELEC - LibreELEC Forum

cp /etc/connman/main.conf /storage/.config/connman_main.conf
nano /storage/.config/connman_main.conf

^ edit the order of PreferredTechnologies so wifi is before ethernet and then save and reboot to effect the change. When wireless is connected it will become the internet routed connection.

PreferredTechnologies = wifi,ethernet,cellular


Hi vpeter

Thanks for providing info. I am new to this so what do I actually do with the above lines? Do I just run the above using SSH? Is there a file call connman_main.conf that i edit?

To be easier just type this in ssh console and reboot.

cp /etc/connman/main.conf /storage/.config/connman_main.conf
sed -i "s|^PreferredTechnologies = .*|PreferredTechnologies = wifi,ethernet,cellular|g" /storage/.config/connman_main.conf
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