CPM builds

That screen when you play DV content, all red, has happened to me twice on two clean installs.
I have it fixed, but I still don’t know exactly what causes it and how exactly to fix it.

What I do is to make changes in the DV options settings, activate and deactivate things, lower and raise the Max pq…
And from some change that I can’t identify, it starts to work and it doesn’t happen again…

Thanks for your answer and advice.
Not working sadly :frowning:

But working perfectly with classic ng nightly without custom pcm…

DV Profile 8 seem to work…

2 strange things for me

1)Resolution is 4096x2160p per your TV screenshot while it should be 3840x2160p. Your other screenshots on the system level show that you have set it right. Why is your TV triggering VRR ?

  1. for some reason your screenshot show 21.1.0 as build (I saw the CPM version is also detected. Not sure how you did the install, 21.1.0 and cpm on top ?
    In any case I’d try the latest nightly you mentioned as working and applying CPM A11 (not 10) on top.

If everything fails, we saw issue with slower or corrupt SD cards in other forums so you could also try a USB stick and put 21.1.1 on it (nightly or stable) and add CPM A11.

I am indeed on 21.1.1 as in the images. Where did you see 21.1.0?

The classic CoreElec Nightly version works without any issues.

I would just like to install the CPM version on top to benefit from the playprocessorinfo display.

I have already tried to enable/disable the Dolby Vision options without success, player led, TV led, etc…

The resolution display does not set up correctly indeed. While it works on the classic version.
Maybe the whitelist is causing the problem?

I have already tried three different brand USB drives with installation from scratch, without success.

You don’t need whitelist.
Also use 1920x1080 50/hz to GUI.

… as vasco mentioned earlier too…

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21.1.0 is shown on this screenshot

Oh yes, in “build”

But OS show Omega 21.1.1… why ? :confused:

Okay I try 50hz (already 1080p) and without white list :wink:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks all :slight_smile:

Working with gui 50hz and without white list :slight_smile:

Of course… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Frodo, I’m seeing this often when someone tries a high res gui from the start and doesn’t try incremental steps of complexity.

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The problem came from the whitelist, not from the GUI resolution (because I was already at 1080p, but 60Hz).
I just tested it right now at 60 or 50Hz, it’s functional.
The same goes for the resolution if I set it to 2160p, working well.

I thought we had to use the whitelist :confused: in the classic version of Kodi on Android, we have to use it, right? Or does it not make any difference?

I installed the latest version Omega Nightly NG 21.1.1
And on build it’s said “21.1.0” you know why ?

Removed by author
Incorrect recommendation

Never seen any recommendations
of using 1080i.
50/60 is ok in EU , but not interlaced.

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Some TV stations still broadcast in 1080i
1080p is more correct.

Default Kodi/CoreELEC is 1080p 60 hz

I made a general point that’s been happening more and more. People should start with simple setups and then increase complexity and see what fails, if anything fails. Whitelist is required when you set a resolution and you want the TV to do the upscaling to that resolution (the gui resolution will be the minimum the device will output to the TV).
As my main goal is to watch videos in my setup, I tend to keep it at 1080p 50hz. But my TV is only 55" and my eyes are not 20 yr old anymore.


Not a tv station.

Please, don’t mislead users.

Recommended is 1080p 50/60 hz


Exactly, that’s what I want, for the TV to upscale the files and not the box because in theory, current TVs are efficient at this level (in my case, a LG G3 65").
That’s why I use the whitelist.

And in fact, the whitelist works! It’s just that I shouldn’t select the resolutions 4096x2160p 24 and 23.98Hz like I did initially (which caused a pink screen without DV…).

Would you mind naming which EU ones still broadcast in 1080i?

Normally since your TV display is UHD (3840x2160) and not 4K (4096x2160) which is often confused:
UHD vs 4K

Yes, I know very well, but there was no reason for Kodi on CPM version to force the display to 4096x2160p when the file is in 3840x2160p…

I didn’t have this issue with the classic version of CoreElec, but I should check the whitelist…