Do amlogic-ng builds work well on GXL(S905X/S905D/S905W) devices?

Today i tested and succesfully install Amlogic-NG built on GXL_p212_2G dtb file

Device was old X96 2GB 16G S905X wechip brand.
booting CE-NG from SD card without any problem but can not possible install to internal by ceemmc tool.
ssh comm and show

Install in single boot mode not possible!
No DT partition was found

I thing problem was about kernel? 4.19 or version android.
generic android in tvbox was about android 6 version (marshmallow or lolipop) cant remeber
a try update to android version 7 and more.

i search solution by [honolulu1] user
so i search and download image [ROM] ATVXperience on Mini M8S II (p212 board, S905X)

flash this rom into box - i made i little hack by short pins to NAND to easy connect Amlogic USB burning tool. see photo

(i tried many others images and mostly work as android tvbox but atvXperience_v4_S905X
is able boot from sdcard easyway and work ceemmc tool from NG built)

android boot up and work over wifi
so i reboot CE-ng from SD card wihout problem
repeat operation over CEEMMC -X tool and install coreelec into internal flash.–worked for me
and finaly i install BL301 Wake-Up feature [inject_bl301]… not tested but its show in menu.

EDIT: one of two usb port does not work… working usb port tested with USB flash, keyboard, wifi_dongle
i ussualy use only ir remote and ir arduino_micro as IR keyboard or only keyboard KP.

EDIT2 thx to Frakkin64 post
Copy this script to: /storage/.config/ (Or add the contents if you already have a (123 Bytes) This script will set the USB controller type to “3”. (0:normal, 1:host, 2:device, 3:otg) After implement the script two reboots are needed to become active at all. If CE get updated a additional reboot after the update is needed.
USB is back :slight_smile: