Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

thanks again Astro and the whole ce community. what you did here is really unbelievable.

unfortunately I’m to old for that, or maybe to lazy. I have an running system now on SD and the Picture is great but I’m not getting warm with kodi. I’m sure I would if I would customize it 20 hours (or more? :wink: but these days are over.

I’ve tried the emby skin and db connect, because I have an emby server and I lobe the easy GUI in it but for kodi it’s not really working (for me)

2o years ago it would be a dream!! but with nearly 50 I stick with plug and play without dv fel :frowning:

so now the question. someone interested in a 6hours used ugoos am6b+ 2024 with an SD card running latest coreelec v21 nightly. I paid 164 eur plus 6 eur ssd 32g and would sell it for 150 with SD card (shipment you, only with insurance)

picture later if wanted, but of course nothing is damaged and every little plastic bag is still here…

and adm, pls delete the post if this is wrong here!! I just thought I ask because I will not put in ebay Kleinanzeigen I rather send it back to ugoos…

I can send from Germany (today…) or Switzerland (Monday next week)

happy Wednesday