Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

Wow lots of activity in the past day.

So to summarize, first we have cpm’s build that workaround some fake TV-led quirks and improves the PQ by preventing “graphics priority” everywhere and switch to “video priority” during playback.

We also can use a new 64bit s905x2 dovi.ko module to put the Am6b+ back on the main CE-NG line.

Moreover, that same dovi.ko module could extend FEL support to all Amlogic G12 family devices including the Fire Cube?

Did I capture all this correctly?

If this becomes true and confirmed on Ugoos AM6 as well we will cancel NG-DV builds in future.

Assuming CE is still not going to distribute the module, so we should download the s905x2 file for if that happens and in case @YadaYada’s upload taken down for some reason.

It’s online, anyone can download and keep it safe.

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Doesn’t hurt to download it, but I doubt it will vanish. I know of at least 3 DV certified s905x2 devices, and I’m sure there are many more. There are so many Android firmwares floating around online, and companies seem to ignore them.

@liquidion Not sure that other SOCs besides the s922x will do DV FEL, that needs to be checked. But I think any DV certified g12 device that can boot CE should have basic DV playback abilities.

The module can be jimmied to mostly work with the s905x4 on CE-NG, however there’s still no DV FEL.

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Hate to be a PITA, but I’ve already upgraded to 20.5.

Can I still use your tar?

Could I trouble you to create a 20.5 version if not? Would love to see the PQ difference.

Probably not any time soon, as not the quickest process to do, the code is in my fork if anyone else wants to have a go.

Looks like CE maybe also moving on from this branch so will see were that goes, and stick to the 20.4 base for now for my testing.

At present I want to just watch some films and check it out. :grinning:

Some more interesting observations.

On my LG E8 OLED (along with many other LG OLED from what I read) the Cinema and Cinema Home modes in Dolby Vision behave differently to chroma weighting in the RPU data, it is like the Cinema Home just does not process it.

Taking the “famous” Spears & Munsil UHD - Eagle’s Beak example this will show very different without the chroma weighting (from what I understand).

In graphics priority mode - the beak is much more in the darker yellow / green and flattered in both the Cinema and Cinema Home modes on the TV.

In video priority mode in Cinema Home it is still in the darker yellow / green.
In video priority mode in Cinema it now shows in bright yellow - looking like the tv led example from Vincent’s HDTV Test youtube from 2020.

Changing the TV settings Cinema Home to Cinema is on the TV side - so looking like more evidence at least some of the RPU is now passing to the TV in “proper” tv-led fashion.

Does anyone else get crashes on resume or seek, especially when it’s been a quarter or more through the film?

I tried resuming a HDR film today about 1/3rd of the way in, and kept crashing everytime. Tried to restart, and use chapters to seek forward, would crash about 1/3rd to 1/2 of the way in. Had to switch to my Zidoo to finish it.

Captured a log above for a different film, but same behavior. Will do so again if it’s helpful.

It crashes so many times it sends CE into safe mode.

Tried your build and all my dv content show 12 bit rgb.

It should be 8bit RGB or 12bit 422?

cs and cd is auto and forced here:

So DV auto is only working if no cs and cd is forced by user.
This is might not be correct as there should be no user option when DV as there are only two possibilities, RGB or 422.

in tv-led should be 8bit RGB, player-led 12bit 422, but mine tv-led sometimes goes 12bit RGB, the color crash

CE set player-led off, and its 12 bit rgb, just updated to 20.5 then now back to 8b rgb


It’s 8bit RGB here, only time I got 12 bit was when I didn’t use refresh change.

Just tried by making a new ce installation on a different sd card and while I can’t say I notice improvement in picture quality, I noticed something else.

I have Philips 808 oled. When I enable dolby vision bright on CE, it made a marginal brightness change, but when I played something directly on the TV it really brightned up the image. I find bright necessary with some unresonably dark content, especially tv shows. (Masters of the Air…)

Now I notice that the behavior is the same, bright mode really brightens the image just like the TV. Checked it a couple times between existing CE and your modification. Hope it’s not placebo. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I tried all the commands to see a difference but for some reason everything stayed the same. I might tinker with it more later, but right now I’m alreay happy with the results. We should have that youtuber R3S3t9999 test these changes.

Now I wish I was on 20.4, I wonder if downgrading would work since the changes are minimal.

Edit: @cpm
Just checked some files from here RPU RESPONSE TEST - Google Drive to test if chrome weighting works and it seems it does. But only with cmv4.0 files for some reason.

In lldv bug folder there is a Chroma Weight extreme values 0-4095 DV P8 cmv4.0 file, I can see a change in that eagle’s beak whereas before it would stay the same.
And in the level 8 folder in the first video, I can see brightness changes now.

Someone more knowledable needs to test these stuff. Also I thought these devices were cmv2.9, how come cmv4.0 files seems to work properly now?

Final edit: @cpm I tried forcing video priority on my original installation but I don’t notice the chrome differences without those new paramaters in your build.

It’s possible when the TV report by EDID it uses 12bit RGB. But this is might not yet fully implemented. When you manual set 8bit limit in display settings it works? If yes I can make a test image without RGB 10 or 12bit DV. It’s just implemented as I found it in sources.

yes,set to 8Bit works on,but not all movies like this, some automatic 8bit colors right,some goes 12bit, I don’t know why

CM 4.0 should have backward compatible with 2.9 so that may explain it.
It may also be possible if the SoC is not processing the RPU it just passes it on and the end device does the processing - in which case it would not matter the native capabilities of the SoC.

In the original code base because the OSD is reporting on (even if not displaying anything it is there) it forces the processing into graphics priority - feels like a bug from amlogic, I changed that so it can use video priority, i.e. code must be changed for this to work, no combination of parameters would help (note that original logic is SoC specific so maybe other SoC could stay in video priority - but not the G12)

I just copied my original installation to SD and downgraded with your version. It seems to have worked just fine.

Hope to see your changes get merged. Brightness difference alone is worth it for me as I can watch dv content during the day on CE.