Please set all cd and cs to auto again and try with this test image:
Downgraded from 20.5 to cpm’s custom 20.4 build.
Massive difference between Cinema (Home) and Cinema on my LG G2.
Screenshots attached. Cellphone shot bc all the screenshots I took through Kodi appeared to be noise:
First is Cinema Home, 2nd is just Cinema
Before the change. Cinema (Home) was a slightly brighter version of Cinema. No major difference otherwise. After the new build, the change is massively noticeable when toggling between the 2x Cinema modes. Cinema (Home) looks very different to Cinema from brightness to colors. Is this expected or do I have a setting incorrect somewhere?
Cinema rightly looks more accurate but much more dark, whereas before it was just marginally darker. I’m not sure if Cinema got darker or Cinema (Home) got brighter lol. I think it’s the latter, the noise is much more noticeable on the silos now; perhaps unrelated, but was the first thing I noticed.
No, above I just shared the same experience as you. Now the dv behavior is the same as built in Kodi as far as I can tell. RPU tests have the same responses between built in Kodi and CE.
The only question I have is how to tell if tv-led is working or not? Even if it doesn’t I’m completely happy with the results.
I was pretty disappointed about the brightness difference with CE, not anymore.
Edit: I use tv-led, player led shows none of these differences, improvements.
I didn’t answer your question. I assume home is the same as “bright” on my tv. It’s recommended for daytime viewing and when I use my tv with built in apps, it has like you said, about 2x the difference.
Exactly that. Cinema (Home) is LG’s method to compensate for indoor spaces that aren’t perfectly dark, so it boosts brightness at the expense of contrast.
Cinema is supposed to be more accurate and meant for near completely dark spaces.
@cpm if you think the changes are ready you can PR them so we can integrate them in the standard builds to get more feedback.
Is this with LG default factory settings, or with calibrated settings? If calibrated, which calibration method was used?
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: CE-NG Dolby Vision for G12 boxes (u22xj, am6+, raven…)
Hopefully will get a PR out soonish I have a good handle on the minimum changes needed.
Would it be fine to PR into:
I saw some talk you maybe removing that line as rightly not wanting to support eol if can get working in 5.4, had a passing glance at 5.4 looks like the structure has changed a bit.
FYI: You would not want a PR from the forked branch I created for testing as it is 5,000 lines of code less! as I stripped out all the none G12 family SoC related code - to see the wood from the trees and get a better understanding of what is going on.
With respect to the original authors that code is probably a great example of how not to code lol, crazy long functions, variables all over the shop and a copy and paste field day.
For my E8 I am almost certain the Cinema Home
mode is not respecting the RPU Chroma Weighting. - indeed this is the strongest evidence I have that we are indeed getting some tv-led, as Cinema
is most certainly reflecting the Chroma Weighting (toggling between the modes on the TV it is super easy to compare)
So it could well be the case this is still the same on your G2 - I saw some rumblings of the same (for other models) over on this super long thread of many discussions:
Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.
If the same it is not just brightness change you are seeing - either a bug or they found the brightening algorithm they used did not work well with the chroma trim and just left it out - the average consumer probably never notices.
Did some checking with RESET_9999’s google drive examples.
None of the CM 4 I tried seem to have an effect, this though I would think correct for me, as my E8 is from 2018 and Dolby only released the CM 4 spec in late 2018, and I would be very skeptical that LG would do any firmware upgrade to include it.
So we come to another interesting data point: if you are seeing any change for CM 4 which is clear and obvious - please ping over the name and I can try - if you get and I do not this is more evidence that it is tv-led now. I.e. my tv cannot handle the specific CM 4 trim and yours can, no chance that is on the player side.
Probably time to upgrade was thinking about the A95L but given Sony’s new stance maybe an 83 G4.
what do you mean with sonys new stance? the A95L is a beast. I have one since last october. The G4 could be a beast,too.
@cpm are you saying you have fixed fake tv-led and even got cmv4.0 on newer oled to work with your build?
Absolutely - and very envious - the A95L is exceptional from what I have seen and read.
Not to distract this thread but the tea leaves for me see Sony slowly moving away from OLED from what snippets have been released, and the A95L maybe their final word in OLED TV. LG I think are too deep into OLED that they will continue, my purchase horizons are likely end of this year, early next - just like to window shop and plan early.
At this point the jury is out - I am saying it is a strong possibility - don’t know a definitive test, imagine only capturing the HDMI feed and doing analysis could fully tell.
As for CM 4 I cannot tell - as my TV is too old to support (I think) - so saying if anyone does see a change according to CM 4 only trims (i.e. those with no backwards compatibility to CM 2.9) then given the player side is presumed not to be CM 4 it must be pushing the RPU and be tv-led.
maybe we can ask reset_9999 to help with some testing. He does a very good job of analalyzing dolby stuff. maybe he is willing to buy a am6b device…
Is there a guide how to downgrade or upgrade CE with the tar file? I wil try to update my player and test it with my sony tv.
would be nice to know what the brightness level on both was before. maybe cinema got darker and cine home got brighter. The darker picture looks better in my eyes with a lott less grain an more depth and punch. I will try it on my sony tv later today…
it is ne 21,but i used ugoos am6b plus 20.5 ng-dv, could not update…
You can check the one I mentioned in my original post, cm4 shows a difference in eagles beak while 2.9 stays the same. This behavior is the same as the built in Kodi, so maybe it’s a bug on Philips.
Also do you get any changes with L5 tests? I don’t know the significance of L5 but with the built in Kodi they work fine.
@Sunset1982 Not in my case, filmmaker stayed the same and bright mode is actually doing its job now.
Yes, all these different devices and projects confuse me to much I guess.
Here is a Amlogic-ng CE-21 test build: 254.08 MB file on MEGA
Best start with a spare boot media with the dovi.ko fly around here. Amlogic-ng-dv is EOL anyway…
I DM’d you so we can check this DV changes more closely. Check your inbox, please. Thanks