Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

i use makemkv to convert it to STDL,so DTDL MKV is supported with strict standards? I was told that early release bdremux DTDL MKV just put two video tracks together which are not made according to standards.

Cooked up a small systemd service to automatically restart the Kodi service on resume from sleep. In case anyone needs it:

CoreELEC-BDR:~ # cat  /storage/.config/system.d/onresume.service
Description=Restart Kodi after resume

ExecStart=/bin/systemctl --no-block restart kodi.service
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl --no-block restart kodi.service


CoreELEC-BDR:~ # systemctl enable onresume.service;systemctl start onresume.service

Sorry just out of interest why would you shut down Kodi and restart it when it comes out of suspend. I know I used to have to do this on a pc because it would have micro stutters in video.

Why on an android box. ? Also I might use it just in case as I am using shutdown at the moment as I might try suspend. . Where would you put this file and do you copy and paste the blue lines as well and what file name.

Sorry new to coreelec and android.


Rise of Gru is working, but my other DTDL mkvs aren’t. I’ll try to figure out how to cut a small sample from them

Rise of Gru is working, but my other DTDL mkvs aren’t. I’ll try to figure out how to cut a small sample from them

It’s because the Rise of Gru sample has DV flags for the EL and the old MKVs DT-DL don’t. It’s most likely just not implemented yet.

I mentioned this earlier, but initially tapping the reset button was a mistake. I bumped it. Upon doing so, I noted the change to RGB 12bit. I was just reporting the behavior in case it was useful to any of the developers. Not suggesting it needs to be addressed, nor that it is a normal use case.

Is there a way to set this flag? I can try it on one of my files and test

Kodi detect DV by dovi sidedata or if the pid is 0x1015, blue ray. If the media does not equal any of it dual layer is not used.

Only the part of the result of ffprobe Input #0 is data need to detect DV dual stream.

Just run ffprobe on your media and it will show the streams and if there is sidedata included or not.
If not demux it and remux again!?

OK, the difference I see is that Rise of Gru has this on the second video track:

Side data:
        DOVI configuration record: version: 1.0, profile: 7, level: 6, rpu flag: 1, el flag: 1, bl flag: 0, compatibility id: 6

I’m not sure how to demux and remux, never done this before.

It’s probably best to provide a sample of the video you’re trying to play. You can cut a small piece (1-2 minutes) with something like mkvmerge.

How are the chances of finding a dovi.ko file for the new CoreElec 22 branch?

Can we do something to help here? Testing or something?

ugh. so close to being able to get 4k AV1 (HDR DV) working on AM6+ with decode friendly parameters… works completely fine for conversation scenes etc but needs a little more efficiency/processing power for panning shots or those with lots of particles ie snow…

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OK, here’s a short 15 seconds sample (nothing meaningful in terms of visuals since it’s just the first 15 seconds, but should have all the relevant metadata:

What settings do you use for better decoding performance?

even just --tile-columns 2 and --fast-decode 1 improve decoding performance (with a negligible hit to output quality in metrics) enough for some scenes to play smoothly at 4k. Adding more tile-columns and/or rows beyond this doesn’t result in a meaningful enough decoding difference but does worsen quality.

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Hopefully, this isn’t an off-topic question… I am using both my AM6B+ units with dual boot CE, but I’d love to use the Android side as well. For SmartTube app, others. Has anyone installed an Android TV-like launcher? If so, which? I just tried Projectivy Launcher, but looks like it needs advanced permissions the Android side of this device won’t give, or device must be rooted (which I’m trying to avoid). Alternatively, as I really only want a YouTube experience like SmartTube, anyone know if a Kodi add-on for it or similar exists?

Used it once, but not sure why you think you need root? People are using it on TV’s. You can also install slimbox rom which has android tv skin instead.

You won’t get SmartTube experience with Kodi at all. Like sponsorblock etc.

Edit: There does seem to be a sponsorblock addon for Kodi.

hi I want to report that some dv movies play very good but some don’t.
I had now 3 without success.

pressing play either the view stays on info page and play indication top right stays with 0 seconds or the screen is just black with a little Grey play symbol in the middle and sound is ok.

73gig dv movie with true HD atmos and 43 gig same specs. both play with another player.

maybe buffering? I set it already to different higher values and including local files as recommended here in the forum

let me know if I can do something to report better I’m new to ce and kodi.


edit. content loading stuck is also possible. but still no movie

How are you getting Dolby Vision with software decoding?

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