Dolby Vision - VS10 Engine on Ugoos AM6+

@cpm installed your build tonight and watched some live TV in DV. It’s just WOW! Think I’m going to get rid of tivimate for now :wink: Thanks a mill everyone who made it possible! :blush:

What are you using in lieu of tivimate on Kodi?

Have you got allow double refresh rates enabled? Maybe the Ugoos is trying to send DV at 60fps which a lot of setups can’t handle, try unticking double refresh rates and blacklisting 4k 60HZ.

Sat receiver in my bedroom with Polish sat subscription :blush: I like it that way cause it’s clean as fuck without any cables hanging around :wink:

this version is correct for HLG to DV ?

Yes it will do HLG to DV.

Note there is a bug in AMLogic that classifies BT.2020 SDR 10Bit Content as HLG in error.

THANKS for you !

Just out of curiosity I tried your build on a fresh CE-21 nightly installation, and must say that it works very good. Tried only SD TV programs, files and streams, did not yet try test video/images to see all changes in detail.
I’m very surprised at additional high-key details in standard SD programing, very unusual experience.
Don’t know if and when will your code find its way to official release, but I’m so satisfied with present state, and will upgrade my main CE installation with your version.
Kudos, and thanx a lot for your excellent work :clap:

Hi, are you saying the VS10 code is now included in the main branch nightly?

No, only that I hope it will be.

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I had a feeling that I’ve read that yes, it would be included. Is this not certain to happen yet?

Not yet, Dolby Vision - VS10 Engine on Ugoos AM6+ - #228 by cpm

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So turns out my old Sony X900F cannot play TV Led P7 (green tint). Does the VS10 engine help me? Currently have player based DV enabled which works.

I don’t believe so. VS10 engine is naturally “on” during Dolby Vision playback so technically you are already using VS10 - but it won’t add TV-led DV to a panel that doesn’t have that.

If you are using my VS10 builds from this thread, you may want to try the one here:

It contains all the VS10 changes here as well as latest CE changes, and resolves issues with stability.


Sorry for the question, I would just like to understand if all the part described below is implemented in the modification (image) Dolby Vision Vs10 engine.
Why the CMv2 / CMv4 test file… is no longer displayed after updating with Dolby Vision Vs10 engine.
I ask if there are any particular settings that I need to use, at the moment I have only enabled the flags for “USER PLAYER LED” and “User Display Luminance” to ON
Let me start by saying that everything works perfectly and I thank you for the excellent work
Thank you

Coreelecc omega 21 :
“These devices support Profile 4, 5, 7 FEL, 7 MEL, 8.1, and 8.4. CoreELEC supports Single-Track Dual-Layer and Dual-Track Dual-Layer from BDMV folders as well as ISO, M2TS, MP4, MKV, and TS files. In LLDV mode, these devices support CMv2.9 metadata. When using Display (TV) led Dolby Vision, they support CMv2.9 and CMv4.0 metadata if you have a compatible TV”

Yes it should be - but big caveat this is a test build you would be advised to keep it a separate install on another sd-card.

Not sure what you mean by:
“Why the CMv2 / CMv4 test file… is no longer displayed after updating with Dolby Vision Vs10 engine.”

When I play the CMv4.mp4 test file, the message “test passed” is no longer displayed

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Alright I see.

Can I check you have tested that file and it works on the latest CE nightly build?
If so could you try converting it into an mkv, and see if you still get the issue?
Finally where did you get the file? So I can download and try my side tomorrow.

what is a V10 engine exactly? what is the profit?