Dolby Vision - VS10 Engine on Ugoos AM6+

Yes , i do the test with the latest CE nightly build .
Ok i try player the MKV version
Here found the test file :

Maybe try Google first ā€œDolby Vision VS10ā€

The first result is a reasonable overview.

Dolby Vision VS10 video processor

The advanced Dolby Vision VS10 video processing engine ensures maximum image quality when playing any type of content (SDR, HDR, Dolby Vision) with any type of video output signal (SDR, HDR, Dolby Vision), improves the SDR/HDR/Dolby Vision conversion quality, minimizes the effect of ā€œposterizationā€ (ā€œbandingā€) due to more advanced 12-bit video processing.

I cant update, with the last nightly says kernel misingā€¦

All is ok, now i can update correctly

I downloaded and it is working fine for me.

There should be no difference in the handling between my latest build (update link below) and the CE nightly.
Maybe you can try changing some settings and see if you can isolate the problem.
Would recommend doing any further tests on a completely fresh install of CE then apply the update from here:


to get a known baseline to test from.

Amazing update, thanks! Seems to have fixed the occasional crashing/rebooting I was getting when starting content with VS10, and FEL is working with DTDL in this build

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all CE is incorrect for videos of 25 and 50 fps ā€¦

Thank you very much, great work

What? I play 50fps daily with simple iptv player connected to my sat receiverā€¦ :wink:

There is something else wrong with your set up, I use CE with TV Headend and a Quad Satip tuner as well as a DVB-T2 quad IP tuner just fine. My request is to allow SDR content to be blacklisted from VS10 if it is 25/50hz but whitelisted if it is 23/24hz.

My TV has 4K modes of 25 fps and 60 fps, but there is no 50 fps mode. every time I play DV video of 25 fps and 50 fps under this version of CE, it will automatically change to Player Led Dolby Vision mode at 60 fps,even if I set ā€œSettings->System->Display->Refresh Rateā€ to 25Hz, CE will still switch to Player Led Dolby Vision mode at 25 fps when playing these videos. Similarly, when playing HDR10 and HLG 4K videos of 25 fps and 50 fps, the CE will automatically become 60 fps output too, maybe is this a tiny bug ?

ps. When playing videos of 24 fps, this CE is absolutely correct . my CE is set to switch fps automatically and ā€œSettings->System->Display->Refresh Rateā€ is always 60Hz.

Iā€™m amazed by the SDR8/SDR10/HDR10 ā†’ DV mapping done by the VS10 engine. I honestly did not think it would be so great. It seems to compensate for inherant drawbacks of projectors (compared to OLED screens)

  1. Configure in player-led HDR mode thanks to the cpm VSVDB build (so it even works on non-DV projectors) ā†’ EDID Override - Injecting a Dolby VSVDB Block - #94 by cpm
  2. color is a little bit more saturated than in pure SDR but it still ok, so you need to do a fine HDR calibration to avoid too much saturation.
  3. If min and max lum are well configured through EDID / VSVDB injection (check the VSVDB thread for excel EDID generator), you can then look for the projector max contrast value that still keeps details in brights spots. In my case I have set a fixed number and I donā€™t have to touch it anymore (set and forget ā†’ it was not the case with pure HDR10 signal).
  4. HDR10 challenging material with crushed brightlights are now completely well managed and profit from the VSVDB induced fine tuning (especially on projectors I guess). Though I might be biased by my projectorā€™s HDR10 tone-mapping which I think was pretty bad.
  5. With SDR->DV conversion, perceived contrast is improved on projectors : In other words, there are less cases in low light scenes where blacks seems grey. I donā€™t know how they did it but itā€™s near magic :wink: I think itā€™s mostly due to highlights beeing brighter in SDR->DV conversion.

It might even be superior to embedded DTM in JVC projectors. I would be interested to know the result of such a comparison.


Is your TV LG B6/C6?

Latest test version can be found here:


This build is amazing, thank you @cpm

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Doing some testing right now. Per suggestions, I created a new CE on a microSD card and went from there. Original CE is dual boot from the eMMC.

Not sure if itā€™s just me, but PGS subtitles appear dark or dim in TV-led DV content (didnā€™t test player led). Theyā€™re ok on SDR content though, even when set to SDR10.

Edit: Downgraded to 05/15 version, subtitles much brighter on DV content.

Edit 2: Tested 25fps content, 4K HDR ā†’ 4K DV using VS10. No issue on my LG G2.

The OSD (On Screen Display) plane is where all the Kodi menus, Player Controls, Subtitles are drawn and shown.

There are a couple of options to change the luminance of this plane.

  • CE Kodi GUI recently had an upstream merge for a new HDR GUI Luminance slider - where Kodi knows the content playing based on the content meta data (not so well in the case of VS10) and then lowers the luminance for items it is generating and being written to the OSD, so you can play with that slider in the settings and see what you like.

  • CE AMLogic Linux also has a max luminance for the OSD as a whole, because of the DV On settings i.e. DV in the menus, I lowered this to 100 cd/m2 (nits) otherwise would need sunglasses for the menu in a dark room :laughing: so may also have an effect here.

If you are having no luck with the first option then can use a command line to adjust the 2nd - was going to add a slider for that also in the UI settings, but most users would probably find that too confusing, I guess for these devices though that one slider for the AMLogic side is probably a better approach and remove the first adjustment (slider) from the Kodi side.

BTW one reason I understood why PGS are graphics are they are actually graded already to the content, so for those probably needs different handling in general - compared with generated subtitle text which is not graded unless Kodi is being super clever.

FYI The AMLogic side also used to adjust the OSD luminance based on content before I fixed it to 100, it knows better the real mode it is in e.g. VS10 so any slider should ideally adjust on top of those content based max values as a percentage, and when in the kodi menu only can fix to 100 maybe.

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Iā€™m interested in this as I noticed that PGS subs are too dark on the May 29 nightly, even with the Kodi GUI slider set to maximum. So far Iā€™ve tested that on HDR10 mkvs played to an HDR display, using an Ugoos AM6B+.

The Vero V does this much better, with similar brightness to disc playback, both from launch of the device on K20 and now on the K21 test build (they donā€™t have the GUI slider yet). At present, the Ugoos/CE combo is as bad as the V4K for PGS sub brightness (I understand the V takes advantage of a separate presentation layer in a way that was not possible on the V4K).

Would be great if this could be fixed for the Ugoos via a CE update.

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