Dune HD Premier 4K Pro Android: No Remote Control

Appreciate CoreELEC & this forum / contributors as a resource Almost there! CoreElEC booting fine from USB but no remote control. After some research here my understanding is someone has created a map file for the Dune HD Premier 4K Pro Remote and has generously made it available.

The Installation guide is well illustrated and straight-forward assuming the remote.config file would just need to be placed in the Boot drive root directory. My problem is I can’t locate the exact link for the remote.conf file I’m sure I may be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Wow Thanks Yada for the lightning fast reply and links! That’s definitely the right remote in the pic but still can’t get the remote to work after booting into CoreELEC. Here are the 2 things I’ve tried:

First I just copied the provided remote.conf file root directory of the USB boot-drive as it was. Again it booted as expected but still no remote control function.

Second I wiped & rewrote boot image then copied the provided remote.conf file root directory. Performed first time boot still no remote control function. Am I on the right track or just doing this completely wrong?

Placing it in either of these two locations is ok:

Is the amremote driver loaded
coreelec:~ # lsmod | grep meson_remote

What happens when you load the remote profile manually:
coreelec:~ # remotecfg /flash/remote.conf

Ok no surprise here I’m apparently doing something Very Wrong and totally confused. Again it’s me not you so don’t take that the wrong way. These are the files and instructions I used to create the boot drive:


Since it booted ok made me think I was on the right track apparently not since I have no clue were the /flash/remote.conf
/storage/.config/remote.conf is or if the amremote driver is loaded or much less how to load the remote profile manually. Sadly at this point I think it’s safe to say I’m lost-in-space and feel like I need an idiots guide to get the remote working.

If you are booting to the Kodi homescreen then the CE USB installation was fine.

When plugging the USB drive into a windows machine, it will appear with the label CoreELEC, this is the same as /flash/.

Assuming CE is booting, use SSH (putty, on whatever you prefer) to open a terminal window once CE is booted.

From the terminal is where you can copy & paste the commands below:

show the output of both commands here.

Again appreciate the support and I have installed putty on PC as recommended. CE is booting via USB Flash Drive into Dune HD Premier 4K Pro Android. That part is working. I’m not network connected to the laptop so no network connection to computer. Is network connection required to perform the recommended tasks above?

CoreELEC USB is booting into CoreELEC? Or into Android?

Yes, to use SSH (putty), the Dune HD Premier needs to be connected to your network. When CE has booted, use a USB keyboard to navigate and enter your network information and get it internet connected.

Ok do you mean connect any USB keyboard directly to the dune android to enter your network information?

yes, plug USB keyboard into Dune box, complete the setup, including entering your network information.

Again really Value the help here but networking is not my strong point to say the least. That said, I did build more than a few MadVR HTPCs . And ironically enough hacked my Xbox several years back including soldering in a very early and tedious 1st gen “mod chip” via leg wires. Just for the purpose of running the earliest origin of this program xbmc on my xbox.

Could the necessary task needed for remote function be performed by connecting android directly to my laptop via network cable?

I don’t know what your setup is. If you are using ethernet, your Dune box may already be connected to the internet. Otherwise enter your WiFi credentials

To use the CE terminal you either have to SSH in or use UART (more complicated). The Wiki has instructions for using SSH that may help:

Per recommendations SSH into CE via PuTTy - PSCP successfully copied remote .conf file to /storage/.config rebooted CE still no remote control function.

what’s the output of:

DuneCE:~ # lsmod | grep meson_remote

DuneCE:~ # remotecfg /storage/.config/remote.conf

DuneCE:~ # dmesg | paste
journalctl -l | paste

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