EDID Override - Injecting a Dolby VSVDB Block

It needs your EDID as a base, the first tool is for both Mac and PC so should be good if you did not know :wink:, it is not hard - better to teach how to fish :smiley:

Do you have the original spreadsheet that png was taken from? Would be useful to have.

Steps required:

  • Make sure the Ugoos is connected in your normal setup, projector, receiver etc. without your LLDV converter device.
  • ssh into the Ugoos
    • ssh needs to be enabled for CoreELEC via the settings
    • use terminal on mac to access the ugoos as the root user e.g.:
      • ssh root@ (use the IP address of your Ugoos)
      • type in the password to login in.
    • Once logged in use this command to save your normal setup EDID.
      • echo save bin /storage/downloads/jonke-pj.bin > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/edid
  • Enable samba for CoreELEC via the settings
    • Connect to the COREELEC network location and open the Downloads share
    • There you should find the jonke-pj.bin file.
  • Open the AW EDID Editor app
    • Drag the jonke-pj.bin file into the main window of the app
    • This should load the file and show its contents for manipulation.
    • Assuming you have no existing Dolby VSVDB you need to add one
      • On the left open the drop down Add new CEA Block
      • From the drop down list choose Vendor-Specific Video
      • On the right can then add the details
        • The IEEE OUI is in decimal in this app so for Dolby enter: 53318
        • For the Payload (Hex String) take from your picture e.g.: 490348A15855A2
    • File -> Save As... And save back to the Downloads folder as jonke-pj-lldv.bin
  • To double check the file we will open in the online parser.
    • EDID Decode
    • top left click choose file and open jonke-pj-lldv.bin
    • on the right panel I then see (among the many details):
       Vendor-Specific Video Data Block (Dolby), OUI 00-D0-46:
          Version: 2 (12 bytes)
          Supports YUV422 12 bit
          DM Version: 4.x
          Backlt Min Luma: 100 cd/m^2
          Interface: Low-Latency
          Supports 10b 12b 444: 12 bit
          Target Min PQ v2: 0 (0.00000000 cd/m^2)
          Target Max PQ v2: 2640 (385 cd/m^2)
          Unique Rx, Ry: 0.66406250, 0.32812500
          Unique Gx, Gy: 0.31250000, 0.67187500
          Unique Bx, By: 0.14453125, 0.03906250
    • Looks like some difference to the data in your picture, not sure which one is right! but can try it out.
  • finally load the new EDID via ssh
    • echo load /storage/downloads/jonke-pj-lldv.bin > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/edid
    • type this command to check the log: dmesg
    • should see something like this at the end of the log:
      [ 5989.495198@0]- hdmitx: [load_edid_data] 256 bytes loaded from file /storage/downloads/jonke-pj-lldv.bin
      [ 5989.495206@0]- hdmitx: edid: EDID Parser:
      [ 5989.495223@0]- hdmitx: Edid_ParsingVendSpec:ieeeoui=0xd046,len=11
      [ 5989.495226@0]- hdmitx: v2 VSVDB: len=11, sup_2160p60hz=1, Interface=0
      [ 5989.495228@0]- hdmitx: Edid_ParsingVendSpec:ieeeoui=0xd046,len=11
      [ 5989.495230@0]- hdmitx: v2 VSVDB: len=11, sup_2160p60hz=1, Interface=0
      [ 5989.495240@0]- hdmitx: edid: get dtd0 vic: 781
      [ 5989.495250@0]- hdmitx: edid: get dtd1 vic: 97
      [ 5989.495252@0]- hdmitx: edid: get dtd2 vic: 16
      [ 5989.495254@0]- hdmitx: hdmitx: get PMT vic: 97
      [ 5989.495256@0]- hdmitx: edid: find IEEEOUT
      [ 5989.495262@0]- hdmitx: [load_edid_data] new edid loaded!
    • Restart (not reboot) CoreELEC so it picks up the new EDID info.
    • Make sure Use Player Led is enabled
    • Enable the new Use HDR output for Player Led setting and check out the results (no need for your LLDV converter device, should not be used)
    • Can add the load command into the autostart.sh if all looking good and want to keep that setup.
    • One caveat - if you hot plug the HDMI for any reason either physically pulling the plug whilst on or a receiver does it, then need to re-load the EDID again (if in autostart.sh can just reboot to pick up again)