EDID Override - Injecting a Dolby VSVDB Block

Oh yeah.

Just loaded up a V2 Dolby VSVDB to override the V1 version on my LG E8 and voilà the OSD is fine. Would now be 99% sure it is in the dovi.ko and a bug with V1 implementation.


@cpm Can you show the switch of “ Use limited colour range(16-235)” like Webos Kodi nightly at next update?

Was it added into the CE nightly - I guess not because I believe I pulled in everything in my build.

If just something you want added then should bring to the attention of the CE Team with the benefits and a PR if possible.

@cpm . Thank you for the great development work. I just downloaded your latest build and I am not sure if there any commands still needed to be executed with ssh or if the latest UI interface has everything needed for settings/configuration. Thanks again.

Regarding the caveats on hotplugging, I solved this with a udev rule. In .config/udev.rules.d/ I created a file named 99-edid.rules with the following contents:

ACTION=="change", SUBSYSTEM=="extcon", ATTR{name}=="hdmitx_extcon_hdmi", ENV{STATE}=="HDMI=1", RUN+="/bin/sh -c \"[ -f '/storage/.config/edid.bin' ] && echo 'load /storage/.config/edid.bin' >/sys${DEVPATH%%/*}/edid\""


This is so much better than putting it in autostart or periodically running it with Cron! Thanks!

No need for any command line.

All config for the DV can be done in the UI (can still tweak the DV Mode: On luminance from the command line if the default is not good - though hoping to have a build at some point to put that into the UI also).

If you want to load an EDID still, maybe to try one quickly and not type into the UI (assuming you want/need to inject a Dolby VSVDB), or you want to load a EDID to work around a different problem like @Kaan is doing, then the post above from @dplim87 looks really good to keep it loaded.

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All working OK, your latest update on my LG G3. I use the options:
Mode => On demand
VS10 separate out => On
DV Type => Display Led (DV-Std)
SDR8 => HDR10 (most material watched is SDR, and my TV HDR settings are slightly softer than DV)
SDR10 => Dolby Vision

Can the option “Only change dolby_vision_graphic_max when in DV Mode” be included also for HDR, because in HDR external subtitles are to bright?

My only concern is “updates” of this potent version when CE Team updates official “ng” version, since you are not obligated to follow them, and I’d left on this version…

Cannot find that. Where should I look?

Ups, replied from memory since am not at home now, maybe it’s called differently; don’t take my word for it :slight_smile:

“Only change dolby_vision_graphic_max when in DV Mode: On

Relates to the CE Kodi OSD/Menus when content is not playing.
When DV Mode is set to On - i.e. in DV or HDR in the menus, then need to cut down the max luminance - currently I set to 100 cd/m2 - in the process of adding a slider for user adjustment.

To control the OSD and Subtitles when playing DV, HDR, HLG and VS10 up-mapped to (HDR, DV) content you need to use the recently added Kodi setting called something like: GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode.

this one I imagine @ragico

Let’s give it time and see how the official CE version evolves.
Will do some more build yet - but cadence may fall back - will include ng nightly in those.

OK, understood, and luminance slider would come in handy for a perfect tweak :grinning:

Thank you.

and VSVDB Payload setting is?

The major point of this thread :grinning:

Can specify a V1 or V2 Dolby VSVDB to make an HDR PQ display appear to the DV Engine as a DV capable display and then output the LLDV processed video to that display as HDR PQ0.

Has a few use cases, mostly used with Projectors that do not have DV.

Have a look here

This is an external device which does the same/similar thing, but we now have it built in to the Ugoos no need for another device :grin:


Feature Complete - Update 3

  • Add [GUI max luminance in menus] slider

    • used only when with DV Mode: On - i.e. using DV in the menus
    • specify max luminance in range 50 to 250
  • Code refactoring

    • encapsulated DV UI config into separate class.
    • further centralise DV parameter change from Kodi to kernel in AMLUtils.

When testing use the below tar to update a fresh install of CE-21 ng.

Update tar

Dolby VSVDB Calc


Yes indeed, and this could have saved me 300 bucks :sweat_smile: as I bought one of these devices a while ago to do this trick with my projector

To be frank these HDMI splitters help a lot to workaround compatability issues with old HDMI devices and that is still pretty cool.

Worth noticing that player-led DV (LLDV)

  • can be more stable than TV-led with old DV TVs

  • offers you a way to fine tune minlum and maxlum (thanks to VSVDB injection) based on user defined brightness on the rendering device, even if it’s a TV. For night time viewing, one OLED owner could choose to lower brightness on his TV (helps to keep decent eyesight above 50 years old :sweat_smile:) + turning lights off and have a closer to cinema experience while profiting from some fine tuned HDR experience :wink:

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This is Most Excellent Work!!!

Have been following this work since the onset.
Hope you dont mind
I have been testing your Build on

Kinhank G1 box
Comes wuth amlogic S905X4-J

With some interesting results

In System/settings/player/Videos

Can now change option to
Convert Dolby Vision Profile 7

When i choose Lossless or Minimal EL
Dolby Vision bt 2020 play back as

When i choose any other profile
Same test file play back as
HDR10 bt2020nc

Iam not sure if these are correct results or not?

Testing FEL 7 testfile is the first time i have seen the woman in the dress holding the camera.
The dress was not red
So colors were off.

Looks like there is Hope for other Boxes to get a chance to use this :grinning:

Happy Testing