G7 Max (S905X4) - Bluetooth adapter not found


I’m new to the forum. Sorry if I don’t know something well.

I would like to ask for help setting up a newly purchased G7 Max.

I installed the CE on an SD card. Stable and Nigthly version as well. Everything is fine except that there is no bluetooth.
Coreelec Bluetooth it display: “No Bluetooth adapter found”

It is also interesting that the Power LED works in reverse. On is red and off is blue.

log.txt (495 Bytes)

udevadm info /sys/bus/sdio/devices/*
devices.txt (2.7 KB)
dmesg.txt (143.8 KB)

How can I make bluetooth work?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Looking for users with no working WiFi or BT