But 4.9 will be maybe never work 100% on SC2, it’s just not finished and EOSD.
It’s 5.4, Amlogic-ne what is target to run at SC2.
But 4.9 will be maybe never work 100% on SC2, it’s just not finished and EOSD.
It’s 5.4, Amlogic-ne what is target to run at SC2.
That would be very sad, cos finally there is a possibility to use p7 fel with the newest dovi.ko.
The NE version almost perfect in homatics, without p7 fel.
about NE and P7 FEL, will it never work or is it for now it does not work?
When nobody does work on, never?
This question cover the other issues to.
yes It’s Amlogic-ng
but working fine & slow if set Never for Accelerate h264
i don’t know if this issue never fix or can fix ?
kodi.log (1.6 MB)
Venca for president. This fixed my problem with the Homatics box.
My setup:
Marantz AVR connected to HDMI2 (eARC) on LG;
Homatics Box R 4K plus connected to HDMI4 on LG.
All connected to powerstrip with on/off switch.
When first powered on by the powerstrip, TV and AVR are on standby. Homatics box boots CoreELEC in the background.
After turning on TV and AVR, CoreELEC is on-screen.
But: NO SOUND. After reboot of CoreELEC there is sound. Annoying.
And now, with the solution provided by Venca it works like it should be: There is sound after initial power-up.
CE-NG-0908 does not yet have Ethernet
CoreELEC (official): 21.1.1-Omega_nightly_20240908 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
Machine model: Dune/Homatics R 4K Plus
CoreELEC dt-id: sc2_s905x4_sei_smb_280_id5
Amlogic dt-id: sc2_s905x4_ah212-id5
Linux version: 4.9.269 (docker@8024318e9af3) #1 Sun Sep 8 03:35:56 IDT 2024
Kodi compiled: 2024-09-08 08:56:44 +0800
dmesg | paste
fw_printenv | paste
For reference, CE-NE-0908, Ethernet ok
CoreELEC (official): 21.1.1-Omega_nightly_20240908 (Amlogic-ne.aarch64)
Machine model: Dune/Homatics R 4K Plus
CoreELEC dt-id: sc2_s905x4_sei_smb_280_id5
Amlogic dt-id: sc2_s905x4_ah212-id5
Linux version: 5.4.210 (docker@8024318e9af3) #1 Sun Sep 8 02:22:04 IDT 2024
Kodi compiled: 2024-09-08 07:48:59 +0800
dmesg | paste
fw_printenv | paste
so, I went back to sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit dtb and network is working fine after shutdown, which it does not with homatics dtb.
Hey, I recently got a rocktek g2 box which is similar to the homatics box. I successfully installed coreelec on a sd card and it was working fine up until that point. I tried flashing it to the emmc as some people suggested on reddit and this forum and ever since Ièm not getting past the rocktek logo, it is just stuck in loop. if i try to go into recovery mode it gets stuck there as well. Any help will be appreciated
you can’t move CE completely to eMMC.
it was on dual boot mode as a reddit forum suggested. box is still stuck in loop as of now
This way worked for me as well. Big big thanks!
no need for me to do it with sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit dtb, don’t know what the difference is but works better for me.
For search purposes I share a solution to a similar (same?) issue;
For search purposes I share a solution I recently shared to a similar (same?) issue;
I think the solution is to add the KEYMAP file as a different format by saving a copy with the “.toml” extention.
Also add 2 lines:
Source (end of article): 03. Meson IR: Creating a KEYMAP file from scratch · CoreELEC/remotes Wiki · GitHub
I’m thinking of getting a second android tv box. Maybe there’s a similarly priced alternative to Homatics Box R 4K Plus, that would work with CE and support all the dolby vision formats without converting them?
Yesterday I was installing CE in my Nokia 8010 TV Box, and also starting to play with the dualboot. Now I’ve a doubt about what changed in the TV BOX to always try to run from the USB, I mean, the first time you need to reboot to update, you know with the stick and so, what I wonder is what happens once CE start to install, what change in the TV Box, the bootloader? I know that if I remove the USB the Android TV runs without problem, but … is there something in the internal memory or whatever that put a flag or something to order the TV Box to run from the USB? If so, how this can be reverted? I’m just curious.
Factory reset will revert booting from usb first.
Edit: also firmware update will have the same effect.
I bought a Homatics 4k Pro from the suggestion thread to use with CE, but I have some basic DV questions.
The DV type from UHD discs where the DV is a separate file, will this only be playabe from CE or can they be played in “streaming” apps such as Kodi launched from the android menu?
Is DV profile 7 converted to profile 8 (or any other) the same quality? Does the meta data also transfer?
Certain newer SoC’s can decode DV FEL just fine, just not in CE correct? The Amlogic S928X-K/J looks vastly superior to what is in the Homatics I bought and I see in a dune-hd 8k claiming to play FEL.
I ask because I plan to play video not just through CE, but also Netflix, Amazon, etc… using dual boot (I hope).
Off topic: do people here stream UHD movies via “ac” wireless or are people using ax/axe to do it? I understand that a 90GB file at 90 minutes length yields 16.67MB/s for the movie itself. But with peaks and buffering, I’m assuming about double that is a safe guesstimate, 35MB/s isn’t the speed I get at distance, through walls, with my ac router :-/
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