Homatics Box R 4K Plus

I want enjoy to watch my movies, not spend lot of time to flash back, downgrade one non working alpha system.
That why I wrote here first time, when that ota leaked, or accidentally sent some user .

I’m tester, that’s OK for me .
But for end users with just one box, that’s not OK.


It’s nice to say that, but the Homatics R 4k Plus has never been fully functional, not even 90%, regardless of the version installed on it…
There have always been new bugs added over time without always fixing the old ones…

Which version do you have on your Dune-HD R 4k Plus that works for you?

Because your usage is not necessarily the same as others (passthrough of all audio formats, IPTV, autoframerate, official streaming apps (Netflix, Amazon…), tuner, CoreElec (with DV FEL or not), etc…).
These functions have never all been functional at the same time on a firmware version…

I bought this box mainly for testing purposes and I don’t use it on a daily basis, but that’s not the case for everyone.

How much time do you spend watching your movies, vs. “testing” your media players?? I would imagine, like me, it is very little.


Interesting. I thought it would be more toward the “testing” side. Curious what others spend on watching vs. “testing”. Mine would be opposite of yours. But I don’t have kids at home, so “tinkering” is my only hobby.
Am I alone??

Mine is about 99:1 for watching :slight_smile:

You’re mainly right but I bet I’m way older than you so I’ve seen different things throughout my life. A long time ago, updating/upgrading a firmware/software really meant correcting bugs and sometimes adding new and useful features, at least in the circles I hanged in. Nowadays, everything is meant to be used as a simple tool, a throw away commodity so companies only put the strict minimum effort in building/testing/validating/vetting their work because the keystone of everything is personal data exfiltration/gathering to bury people under more ads, more commercial stuff and “force” them to open their pockets for anything, most of the time with little worth. That’s why (commercial) software have so many bugs and so many releases. It must be enough to “please” people but not enough to spend money on really good engineers because they cost a lot.

On the other hand, people like CoreELEC team (as well as most OpenSource/LibreSoftware devs) are passionate enthusiasts who really love what they do and strive to make things better, more efficient and take personal pride in squashing the very last bug. That’s why I’ll never ever update the ATV side on my BoxR (I don’t use it and don’t even have a Google Account on it) and I don’t fear trying new releases/nightlies from CE! I can go back, not screw things and avoid SNAFUs.

As @frodo19 said, I also would like to spent more time watching movies with the best possible conditions while giving credit and thanking the people behind CE who made that possible. I don’t want to spend time fixing things and bothering them to help fixing things, especially when they’re not responsible for the screw up in the first place.

I have no problem with your opinion, keep being yourself and enjoy as much as you can/want. For the most part the past weeks I watched a lot of 4K movies with HDR/DV/DV-FEL and I really can’t thank the CE team enough for the quality time I had because I owe them all that enjoyment :wink:


I was sure you would be around 20 for watching since you are “online” a lot and contributing a lot of knowledge. Knowledge comes from experience.

I purchase a lot of DV movies with FEL, but struggle to even watch them. I would rather “tinker” with something. For the last few days, I was “tinkering” with my Synology NAS because the port forwarding of my Emby and Plex servers stopped working. Had to test my NAS and router and fiber modem to see what was “blocking” my port forwarding. After 3 days of swearing saying NO more tech for me, finally got it working. Now the ports are open so I can watch my media anywhere in the world. So, I learned a lot even though it was a struggle.
I know that is Waaayyyy off topic, but that is where my mind is. I enjoyed that more that watching a movie.

For those that need that information. Open Port Check Tool – Verify Port Forwarding on Your Router

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I love tinkering and fiddling around with software/hardware but only to achieve a proper goal, not for the mere pleasure of tinkering so I understand your position.

I spent a lot of time “perfecting” my CE-NG installation and now I’m 99.9% satisfied with the result. The remaining 0.1% is insignificant to me at this point (white stripe artifacts watching interlaced content and VC-1 encoded videos). I have my old NUC using LibreELEC x86 to cover that 0.1% whenever needed :slight_smile:

Going back many years, when I built my first PC, I flashed my mother boards ?ROM?, and killed the board. Called tech support and explained what I did, first question from them was "why did you flash the ROM? My answer was “because I could”. I have a habit of pulling the pin on the grenade and plugging my ears. BUT I did learn to NOT flash a firmware until I had a backup firmware. These are some of my media players that I have/had throughout the years that I have firmware for. I have flashed firmware thousand of times, and only bricked one device that I could not bring back to life.

Today, with all this everyday update frenzy, it makes me feel like a beta tester instead of being a satisfied user.

I meant 99:1 of my TV time. Knowledge for me also comes from old age and many online miles traveled :slight_smile:

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Did you ever have time to calculate how much money is invested in your “museum”?

I stopped counting the $$$$ I have spent acquiring these boxes/sticks. I rationalized that expense because I gave up alcohol and tobacco. At the beginning, they were less that $30 USD, but they were really crap, they did NOT even support Dolby Digital audio.

OpenELEC came along and gave NEW life into these boxes (wish I remembered the authors of that OS, but over time I have forgotten), so I guess I can NOW blame OpenELEC, LibreELEC and CoreELEC for my obsession with these boxes/sticks.

A few of my “good” boxes I gave away, and a few I threw in the trash, which I regret. Each one of them have given me great pleasure.

I did not see any Raspberry Pi board, and its with RPi that my XBMC-Kodi experience started. Amlogic boxes came later into my zone of interest.

I went with the Pine64 board.

Original Xbox for me and then the Pi. It’s still here. I think that is the 256mb RAM.