How to configure VFD

I read on another forum about a great command to turn off the too bright power indicator on my HK1 style boxes, leaving the other settings on.

echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/sys_led/brightness

Is the only way to set this?

Today I tested it quickly with the CoreElec (20.0- Nexus_nightly) box (my friend’s) X96 X4 in android identified as X96_x4_pro (version 4/64).
The display works OK, i.e. the time is correctly displayed. The openVFD program installed vfd.conf file that works is: x96-max-ultra-vfd.conf thanks @TheCoolest
Gigabit network (wired) OK…

Have been reading about same.
In Android there is apk
Boot Shell Root

Can turn off in CoreELEC
And Latest slimboxtv for Vontar HK1X4

However does turn off completely

Did you also try it on 19.5? I can’t do it. I have X96 x4 4/64 (S905x4). It would be enough for me that at least something lights up. Without it, I don’t know if the box is on or off.

On X96Max+ use
x96max_vfd (
Extract vfd.conf from zip.
In Config setting Reverse Anode. (Kodi Repo, Services, VFD addon)
To see Storage folder config see this post
Kodi: How to access Storage folders from Windows Explorer when using Kodi on Linux (LibreElec, CoreElec etc) | QuadraphonicQuad Home Audio Forum

There was a posting in another thread about x96_x4 which describes how to configure VFD.

I have seen it. But I have version 19.5 and for this the vfd.conf does not work.

Did you use notepad++
Or other text/editing/conversion

Vfd config will work on any version of CoreELEC
If installed properly

Happy Testing

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Try a nightly build.

Don’t forget to install the OpenVFD plugin from the CoreElec/Kodi repo

With this, I get time & network indicator fine

which vfd should i use on a H96 Max plus (s905x4)?

Try this one, let me know if it works.
x96-max-ultra-vfd.conf (1.2 KB)

It doesn’t work. What could you do to provide you with the information you need?

Make sure you’re using the latest nightly build, but if it still doesn’t work, boot into android and follow what this user did

It’ s work.


With the H96 Max plus (s905x4)?

Putting the Tanix x4 numbers appear on the screen, but Openvfd does not seem to work. Is there anything I can do to provide you with more information?

23:09 = 2E 06

H96 Max plus (s905x4): time, temperature and date works fine, but it doesn’t show “:” and icons (it has them in Android), so I gather that the order of vfd_chars is not quite correct. Any ideas? @TheCoolest
h96-max-vfd.conf (1.4 KB)

Try vfd_chars='0,4,3,2,1' and vfd_display_type='0x05,0x00,0x00,0x06'
You can try 0x05 instead of 0x06. If the screen works but looks weird, try to change the first 0x05 in vfd_display_type.