How to configure VFD

Thanks for the suggestion - I have hidden files showing. Will keep digging.

I take it smb share is remote access to the box?
Can I shove the SD card into my Win7 computer - do the file transfer - then plug the SD card into the x96 box?

Thanks. I’ll have to do some digging on this.

:upside_down_face: I wish that were true!

No you can’t, because

  1. Windows doesn’t understand multiple partitions on sd/usb removable devices
  2. Windows doesn’t understand the ext4 file system that Linux uses

In Windows press WinKey+R, then type in \\Your.Box.IP.Address and open it. Go to Config folder and copy the vfd.conf file there.

Also, make sure that you save/download the raw vfd file from GitHub, don’t just copy\paste the text, because that will not work.

Hello, is it possible to get some help with VFD configuration on a X3 Mini Amlogic S905X3 box?
I have installed the latest nightly CoreELEC with a 2G dtb as with the 4G dtb the box could not boot in CoreELEC. In Android memory is indicated as 4GB but the dtb displays as Sm1_ac213_2g. Everything works fine after the installation except for the display. I am attaching photos from the box and the output of GPIO config from Android:

I have tried multiple VFD configs but nothing works - the display is dark, only in one case I got the side LED’s working.
Please help.

Try this one:
x3-mini-vfd.conf (1.2 KB)

If it doesn’t work, open the vfd.cond file and switch the 15 and 16 values and try again.
Then you might have to play around with the vfd_char to reorder the numbers and symbols.
vfd_dot_bits is responsible for the order of the symbols themselves.

Tried both options (for 15 & 16) but the display stays dark. Here is a dmesg | paste output if it can help:

Hey guys,

many pages to read and english is not my mother language… It woult be very nice of you if you can give me a short answer…

I just bought a x96 max plus 4g/32g box.
whats now the working configuration?

is wifi and the display working with this configuration?

thanks for your answers…

  1. Use the dtb that came with the image.
  2. Yes, the display should work. Don’t know about wifi.
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Looks like this box needs a dedicated dtb file, because the display is connected to pins that normally serve some ethernet functionality.

does this mean that there is nothing that can be done at the moment to make the display to work? Another thing I have noticed that if I shut down or power of the box it cannot be started by remote control or by restoring power. I have to remove the power cable, then remove the SD card, reinsert power, boot in Android, reinsert SD card and reboot update through terminal. If I do not do all this the box would not boot. Just rebooting from Kodi is OK and is not a problem.

Yes, nothing to do right now.
Not sure regarding your boot issues. Try to search the forum for similar issues, I think I saw some posts about it in the past. If you can’t find a solution, open a new thread.

OK thanks for your replies, I’ll try to search for the boot issues for the moment.

How to make my VFD work on CoreElec Nightly Tanis tx3 s905x3. Model 4/32

Hi , which vfd.conf and DTB should i use? i tried to use x96-max-1gbit-vfd.conf and put it into .config , it won’t work , should i need to cp the dtb from devices_tree and mv to flash dtb.img again ?

my box is X96 Max+ 4/64g 1Gbit Lan , just like the picture in your topic.

So, you installed the vfd addon?

you went to the repo? & downloaded that vfd.conf, then renamed it to vfd.conf?

vfd.conf (1.2 KB) this works on my Max+ 4gb 32gb

Yes , I installed openvfd addon from coeelec repo , and downloaded [x96-max-1gbit-vfd.conf] from github 。 alreay renamed it to vfd.conf

i’ll try your vfd.conf again , thank you

Boot up Android and run the following command in Terminal:
cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
Then post the output.
Like here:

thank you very much , it’s working

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Hi, I cannot find a working vfd-File for my box. Here is the GPIO-Output when I boot up android. Can someone provide me with a vfd-File?

p282:/ # cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
GPIOs 145-154, platform/c1109880.pinmux, ao-bank:
gpio-147 (gpio_key ) in hi
gpio-148 (fd628_dev ) out hi
gpio-149 (fd628_dev ) in hi
gpio-150 (fd628_dev ) out hi

GPIOs 155-255, platform/c1109880.pinmux, banks:
gpio-172 (sda ) in hi
gpio-173 (scl ) in hi
gpio-176 (mute_gpio ) out hi
gpio-203 (amlsd ) in hi
gpio-228 (sysled ) out hi
gpio-240 (sdio_wifi ) out hi
gpio-241 (sdio_wifi ) in hi
gpio-251 (bt_rfkill ) in lo