Interesting DV

netflix issue is because it relies on inputstreamhelper. ishelper by default responds with widevine not available on aarch64.
There should be a new version of ishelper soon

You can comment out a line in inputstream helper and it won’t check aarch. So Netflix works in aarch64, just tested on vim4.
There’s a comment in that GitHub link that explains how to do it.


Just installed 21 nightly on my S905X4 device and can confirm both Disney+ and Netflix work with the new 64 bit widevine cdm provided with Disney+ addon by matthuisman
To make Netflix work, you have to go to inputstream helper addon Settings → Debug → Disable Inputstream Helper.
With that setting, Netflix plays fine. No need to edit inputstream helper code

So its even easier now, I did this last week and definitely followed the difficult route.

Thanks, I applied what you said is okay.

The correct fix is to add aarch64 here:

Did you try on the new ce 21 build?

new nightly 20230323 does now work on this box?
media playback does work?

dmesg | paste and
journalctl -l | paste

Yes, it works, media playback too.

Yes, I tried, but unfortunately it still restarts the box.

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depmod: ERROR: failed to load symbols from /lib/modules/5.4.180/dovi.ko: Exec format error
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module dovi.ko: Invalid module format
kernel: Module has invalid ELF structures


Is there still a difference between the two kernel versions?

First item would be a Android dmesg log.

How do I query it? Don’t I need root access?

In my homatics box, the last omega nightly works, play fine all my media. No ceemc popup issue.

Just trying to understand the last several posts, has there now been some progress on CoreElec now supporting DV/Dolby Vision on the latest nightly builds?

There has been some overlap in the posts of this thread - but from my read, no CoreELEC build can play Dolby Vision HDR files of any profile (7, 8.1, nor 5).

Today still…

If vermagic is checked, the Kernel would have to be built exactly according to the original. Which I doubt is possible. But vermagic can be changed during compilation, I already have some experience with it from other distributions.

So it should be possible to build the CE to match the vermagic hash and then it should be possible to upload dovi.ko

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How was this dovi.ko obtained? Copying from running Android?

It was extracted from a firmware image I shared.