Interesting DV

WOW, great CE team, kudos to you guys, thank you!

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Next step…


Could you publish a beta test version? I could help you a lot in handling the different Profiles and CM versions (5, 8, 7 MEL, 7 FEL, CMv2.9, CMv4.0). Also, it would be nice to be able to switch between the two types of Dolby Vision output (LLDV 12 bit YUV, Std-DV 8 bit RGB).

We are working hard on the implementation itself right now. It’s way to early for a public test image.
This process will require some more steps until we are able to release something.


This might be useful when quietvoid finish.

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Yes, I think it’s very good, useful feature , that you can switch off independently of each other, the HDR+, and the DV playing, manually in the Kodi.

We will have no possibility to convert DV to like HDR10.
The stream itself does need to have the fallback data otherwise you get strange colours.

There will be a option to disable DV usage at all, but when system support it, it should be enabled as default.

His code enables you play profile 7 Fel by not sending the enhancement layer to the decoder. No conversion to HDR10.

Include these 2 PRs?

This will be huge if you succeed, thank you for your commitment…
Will the DV support be limited to Homatics or you plan also support for other DV-compatible boxes (ugoos, minix, …) in the future ?

Only DV licensed devices, currently only one SC2.
And only devices what do support Amlogic kernel minimum 5.4.180, Amlogic-ne.

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Will this support the full FEL or just the rpu in the FEL?

With quietvoid builds under android just rpu.

Dolby Vision test patterns: [link]

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Ah OK and I presume this uses the same DV kernel so it will process the same as android.


Can someone explain what this means? Only using the RPU from FEL? How is that different from DV HDR profile 8.1?

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I know SC2 refers to S905X4 devices, does that mean that SOC as a whole is licensed for DV or is it further restricted/complicated than that?

I currently have Vontar X4.

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Does it work in Android? My ah21x devices don’t in fact they even have working Dolby audio.

Its basically the same as profile 8.1

Its really good for lot of the boxes, whitch have no dv profile 7 support, under android . In this way you cannot see the black screen, or purple, green tint , the box play correct as dolby vision, and convert the profile 7 on the fly to P8.1, and not fallback to hdr . Plus there is the feature, in the Kodi you can choose, that the Dv, Hdr10 plus or hdr video want playing from the hybrid dv/HDR+ mkvs.