Java for BD-J menus

Thanks a lot. Can this be merged to kodi or coreelec 19 main code stream? I believe this is an important feature.

No, it can’t be merged. Seems kodi abandoned bump to libbluray 1.2.1 for whatever reason.

Sad…how about merging to CE?

I don’t want to break something else.

Is the image with jre.zulu built in working for you guys? I tried it and it seems the addon files are installed in /usr/share/kodi/addons/ but I can not see it in kodi. I think maybe it is missing in /usr/share/kodi/system/addon-manifest.xml?

Image “just works”. But before update you need to remove installed jre.zulu addon. Or use SSH and remove it manually

rm -fr /storage/.kodi/addons/tools.jre.zulu

It’s strange. I did removed the old one in kodi before update. After update to the new image it is still not there.

Ah, you mean you don’t see addon in Kodi? I have to check but seems you are right. Because this is not real Kodi addon I didn’t changed manifest.
They are just some files and script which sets environment variables. Maybe I should move it in some other folder. But it doesn’t really matter.

You can see in Kodi debug log some bluray messages.

ok, then it should be fine. I haven’t gotten chance to test bluray menu yet.

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Hey, vpeter, I updated to your latest CE build, but now one problem is back which you fixed earlier:

Now once again, pressing the OK button won’t bring up the menu on Java BDs. Left and right button also does nothing for seeking.

I followed your advice and uninstalled Java add-on before installing your latest build, but it doesn’t work as it used to.

It’s no big problem as I just reverted back to the previous version, but hope you can fix it in future releases.

I replaced patch from fandangos with this one which was merged in Kodi: [VideoPlayer] fix menu handling of blu-rays and allow chapter seeking while in overlay menu mode by da-anda ¡ Pull Request #19426 ¡ xbmc/xbmc ¡ GitHub

I assume this one doesn’t do same thing as from fandangos ?

I have build CoreELEC 19.1-Matrix_rc4 with patch from fandangos and you can check if works better.

Let the testing begin.

I’ve tested the image on two Java Blu-Rays and it works great again.

Thank you.

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I use now this :



I wanna update my CE with your last file (CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.1-Matrix_rc4_vpeter-bdj-2021. I can simply do this by copying it to the Update folder and restart? THX! :slight_smile:

Yes. But before updating remove addon tools.jre.zulu.

Ok. I updated, THX! But if i start an ISO or an BDMW in the file manager, it doesn’t start but it enters the folder structure. But this has not been the case so far. If i start in the media library, everythings all right.

Open Context menu and select play.

Yes, it’s OK, but so far it has worked without the context menu too. I just pressed OK button and play movie with the menu. In the file manager too.

Then I can only assume something has been changed in Kodi how this is handled.

I have some BDMV and ISO which are not seen by the media library. But not too big problem, so thanks again your work! :slight_smile:

I don’t think so. I believe it has always been entering the folder if you open the BDMV folder in file manager.