Magicsee N5

Skunz does your VFD work. ?

I copied vfd.conf into file info the config directory and loaded vfd plugin but no display.

And finally I assume your mouse and volume buttons don’t work on the remote? I will create a remote file for it allthough I cant think what to allocate the mouse button (Maybe Mute)

My VFD is working well with this configuration file:

And yes mouse and volume buttons don’t work. Really appreciate your effort !
It’s ok to allocate mouse button on Mute function.

i use that’s same file but display not work, how did do you correctly enable the display
and what a device tree did you use?

Thats the file I used it may be because I installed the plugin then copied the conf file I will try again with a fresh install tommoow.

Ok Tried it again on a fresh install still no vfd

@supermegazord I use the following DTB file: gxl_p212_2g. Don’t know if this is the better choice we have.

Really strange …
First i installed the vdf.conf file without plugin: behaviour: only clock displayed
Then i installed the pluging and performed some configuration about the information displayed.

1 Like

i will be try on fresh install maybe it works
And one more question wifi work ok on your box?

Thx Skunz

you installed CE to internal storage or use sd card

SD Card. Later on I will considering internal installation.

hmm maybe display works because you use sd no internall After you run CE from sd first time the display worked or no do you remember

If I remember well after first installation the display was not working.

@ffimon @Skunz

I found a problem why the clock not worked in my box. This box have two version of display controler:
FD655S (works) and FD6551 (not works)

Interesting. It’s possible you’re right.
I’ll try to contact the manufacturer for a datasheet and see if support can be added to the openvfd driver for it.

@ffimon @supermegazord
Ok, I emailed the manufacturer last night, and this morning I already had the datasheet and some code samples.
Here’s a build of the driver which will hopefully work with the FD6551 chip. Make sure to also use the attached vfd.conf file. (64.1 KB)
magicsee-n5-2-vfd.conf (1.5 KB)
You need to extract the zip in your box, then run sh


Great job and super fast but when i extract the file and run inconsole show:

No command line options were found, showing usage instructions.

Usage: OpenVFDService [-t] [-dt TYPE] [-h]

    -t              Run OpenVFDService in display test mode.
    -dm             Run OpenVFDService in display demo mode.
    -dt N           Specifies which display type to use.
    -co N...        < D HH:MM > Order of display chars.
                    Valid values are 0 - 6.
                    (D=dots, represented by a single char)
    -h              This text.

That is not an error, it’s by design.
Does the screen work with this driver or is it still off?

Still not work

dmesg | grep vfd
[ 3411.784962@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_clk:         #0 = 0x01; #1 = 0x04; #2 = 0x10;
[ 3411.784970@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_dat:         #0 = 0x01; #1 = 0x05; #2 = 0x10;
[ 3411.784976@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_stb:         #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 3411.784982@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio0:            #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 3411.784988@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio1:            #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 3411.784994@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio2:            #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 3411.785001@1] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio3:            #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 3411.785009@1] OpenVFD: vfd_chars:            #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x01; #2 = 0x02; #3 = 0x03; #4 = 0x04;
[ 3411.785018@1] OpenVFD: vfd_dot_bits:         #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x01; #2 = 0x02; #3 = 0x03; #4 = 0x04; #5 = 0x05; #6 = 0x06;
[ 3411.785025@1] OpenVFD: vfd_display_type:     #0 = 0x01; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0x00; #3 = 0x06;
[ 3411.785048@1] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio_stb evaluation (0xFF)
[ 3411.785052@1] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio0 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 3411.785056@1] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio1 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 3411.785060@1] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio2 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 3411.785063@1] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio3 evaluation (0xFF)

Hi all,
Happy new year 2019.
Just bought a new s905x machine: Magicsee N5. I performed a smooth installation of CoreELEC 8.95.6 with gxl_p212_2g dtb. I have trouble with internal bluetooth not recognized by CoreELEC. this is the output of hcitool dev command:


and this is the output of dmesg | /usr/bin/pastebinit

Bluetooth works very well with an external adapter.

Thanks in advance for your help !

Anyone can help me ?

There are some good pictures of the internals on this and the origonal firmware
I have one of these I haven’t had chance to try it yet I will report back when I get a chance