Hello, here is my situation, some years ago I began using my QBox amlogic S905 with balbes150’s OpenELEC, later on I switcht to Kszaq’s buiulds and from one off his latest builds I upgraded to CoreELEC, all these builds I’m running from microsdcard so multiboot is surrely installed, CoreELEC began to run strange and crashing so I tought to do a fresch install via microsd, but I was always booting in Android, I was obliged to install run LE from one off Kzsaq’s and from there upgraded to CE 8.90.3. i think this is not the right way to resolve but till now things are running smooth.
Can someone give me some advice please.
Kindly, Jefken.
Thanks foor the info, much off this info I allready knew as I have using this kind off builds for some time, perhaps trying out all different ports is an option, next time I will try this one, I’m using the sd-card slot with an adapter, on the backside I do have 2 usb ports, one off them I know is for flashing the machine and maybe this one would expand the partition, never thought on that one.