N2 Boot Sequence

will try this thanks

Once i have burned the card i cannot access it to replace the file?

On Windows, I just remove and reinsert the card after burning to be visible/recognized by the system…

Yes i tried that, am i burning the correct image?, as etcher gives me a non bootable image warning.

I don’t know what you are doing wrong, since I did this many times on several N2 without any problem. To test it again I just downloaded
" * Recovery image (MD5SUM: 328f374b7a11570f09955da9f1c0d96e)" from here.
Unpacked the file “spiupdate_odroidn2_20211112.img.xz (7.534.704)” to
"spiupdate_odroidn2_20211112.img (53.616.640) and burned it to uSD card with Etcher - no non bootable image warning from Etcher.
Removed uSD card from comp, and reinserted it with following content:

Just needs replacing spiboot.img with new version…

Edit, I just saw what probably confused you; I should have mentioned specifically to download Recovery image instead of it’s confusing actual file name “spiupdate_odroidn2_20211112.img.xz”

Yes you are spot on, i was using the normal image, i will get back on this tomorrow and report back.

What would we do without you guys :slight_smile:

Totally brilliant!, that worked perfectly!

I now boot into CE by default, and can now boot into Batocera at the flick of a remote.
Thankyou very much for your help, brilliant !