New landing page

During the last days we worked on a new landing page for CoreELEC.
The old one didn’t contain any real information and was initially meant as a temporary placeholder.
As we can see now, nothing is as stable as a makeshift.

Please take a look at the new landing page and let us know what you think about it.
Any suggestions are welcome.


This is my first post so hello everyone. Just to let you know that unfortunately link to download stable version is not working (404: not found error).

404 also seen

I find the text to be a little light against the background for comfort … makes it difficult to read.

Glad ye got time to deal with this. :wink:

The new landing page is a big improvement and feels as if it has some polish.

I agree with @JohnBoyz that the text is rather light and difficult to read. May I suggest that #101010 would be a good compromise.

I also get the 404 with the (stable) download link. This could be fixed by making redirect to

May I also suggest that the “Download” icon in the “Install Guide” links to the available downloads.

Overall, the new page contains a lot of useful information in a user-friendly format. It feels like a project that one would more readily download.

Thanks for your suggestions.
The “stable” link is fixed and the text colors are a bit darker, now.
Also the download icon is linked to the download section.

Glad you darkened the text. It has improved considerably for me … although TBH I would prefer it darker, but understand that is not the ‘modern way’ :smiley:

It’s nearly black, now.
I’ve changed it from #636363 to #101010.
I think, it’s a good compromise between “wow, this looks modern” and readability. :wink:

Nice work. Thanks. Not trying to get into politics, but would it make sense to link to LibreELEC and Kodi from the “About” section? Credit where credit is due and all that.

We are not allowed to advertise with Kodi. The title already says its a minor fork of LibreELEC although that’s no longer true. Unfortunately even after several attempts neither Team Kodi nor Team LibreELEC are interested in a collaboration.
We don’t wanna break Kodi Trademarks by linking to them.

Understood. Thanks.

Today, we’ve added a “Download Helper” to our landing page.
The idea is to make it easier for new users to choose the right image and dtb files without digging too much in the forums.

You can see and try it, when you click on the “Stable” button in the “Download” section of the landing page.
Please let us know, what you think about it.

If there are devices missing, please post it in the following thread, so we can add them to the download helper:

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Looks good! Mecool KI Pro (S905D) is missing from the list :wink: The same in the “Which DTB do I use?” table.

Thanks for testing.

The list isn’t complete and probably never will be, because new devices are being released on a daily basis. But it’s a start should help some users finding the right combination.

I’ve added the Mecool KI Pro to the download helper and the “Which dtb…” thread, now.
If you own this device, could you please check, if the values are the right one?

@relkai Nope, don’t think so. There is a dedicated k1_pro DTB already in CE (like for k3_pro), but it just wasn’t listed.

Aaah, yeah…that makes sense. Thank you.
It’s fixed in both lists, now.

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@relkai Also I can see that the filename of the DTB for KIII (k3_pro) has changed so the lists might need an update there too. Otherwise someone might think they’re missing from the device_trees dir.

Maybe I didn’t have enough coffee this morning, but I can’t find the problem with the k3_pro dtb. :wink:
It seems to be the correct one in both lists.

Yah, you are right. Sorry about that. I was looking at the S905 image when I was checking KI Pro. I didn’t knew that there were two separate device_trees directories in those packages - I thought they were the same :wink:

Maybe there was a version of the KIII Pro with an S905 SoC in the past, which used the same dtb as the M8S Plus…these hardware vendors tend to change the specs of their existing models sometimes.

Great improvement! But I’ve always missed a RSS feed with news about CE, etc., kind of what Kodi and LE have.