New Order: Looking for users with no working WiFi or BT

Please try with this update: 288.3 MB file on MEGA
But I doubt this will work.

Nightly build 02212024 s905x3 4gb a95f3-air-x3 no wifi

dmesg of Amlogic-ng is need to know what driver is used.

It didnā€™t work H96 Max X2 still no wifi

s905x3 4gb a95f3-air-x3 no wifi

The wifi chip is a MT7668RSN

dmesg log below from 19-ng

The 4330 have same issue like 4339, it think it does not power up.
I will take a look next week into it as @freddy have same issue.

I will require a device with such wifi chip connected by LAN and enable tmate session for debugging.

tmate enabled

thx, but I wrote next weekā€¦

Let me know when you are ready

@tht please update with this 288.31 MB file on MEGA and try again on the a95f3-air-x3. Please make also dmesg log.

It tries to boot but as soon as the network comes up the A95X F3 Air freezes up.
Will try a uart connection but the pins are really close together not sure my eyes are good enough anymore.

Nightly no Build 20240301 X88 Pro X3 4gb No wifi and No ethernet
had to used usb dongle to get online

Wifi chip is a SP6255 clone of AP6255 try fw_bcm43455c0_ag.bin


Nightly Logs below

Coreelec 21 20240301 ng X88 Pro X3 working
Logs below if needed

Itā€™s same, failed to power up wifi chip.
All 433x chips are affected, will need time to debug it somedayā€¦

So itā€™s time for the 433x chip users to enable tmate with Amlogic-no.
The device must be connected by LAN to be able to debug the wifi driver.
HDMI connection is not need.

@tht @freddy

I have two different boxes online the one is a s905x2 the other is a s905x3
I am unable to put the other sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit.dtb since the ethernet donā€™t work
The only one I found that works is a X96 Max+ ethernet and wifi works on this one.

Didnā€™t you say you have a USB LAN adapter?
Then use this one where lan 1gb should work so I can also look into this issue.

Okay I have the X88 Pro s905x3 box online with a usb dongle

For the x88 there does no extra DTB exist. So what you used?

All I did was copy the sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit.dtb out of device_trees to dtb.img in the root directory
You want me to reburn the sd card?

X88 is s922x, isnā€™t it?
When it boot leave it. But your device is not online by tmate.