Nightly builds (NEW)

You can try to compare on old builds(or on current with only 4K resolution enabled) if you could see something or not.
Usually TV’s upscale is much better, so it could be almost the same.
You had no issues if you had the same refresh rate on 4K as 720p video has. If not then it could stay on wrong refresh rate.

@vpeter Sorry for the delay…

I’m trying a fresh install with nightly 20220227 however this commit here

makes it impossible to install any addons as none of the official Kodi repos seem to have been updated to the new schema, every addon install gives the following type of error:-

2022-03-05 13:00:57.766 T:3958    ERROR <general>: Repository add-on does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2022-03-05 13:00:57.787 T:3958    ERROR <general>: Repository add-on uses old schema definition for the repository extension point! This is no longer supported, please update your addon to use <dir> definitions.
2022-03-05 13:00:57.787 T:3958    ERROR <general>: Repository add-on does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2022-03-05 13:00:58.256 T:3931    ERROR <general>: Failed to find hash for from HTTP header and in separate file

Addons can now be again installed (like this There were some errors on server side.

This commit above enable installing addons from CoreELEC repo. It is good.

But fail installing from will need to be fixed on Kodi’s side. Seems Kodi Nexus merged some changes which disables repositories using old definition. Nothing can be done on our side.

@vpeter Thanks…

So, a fresh install of Nexus_20220227 with a fresh install of and still the same, as soon as I navigate/browse through the plugin Kodi hard crashes and restarts.

Crash log

Same Python 3.9 error.

Did you install and other addons?

And can you tell me exactly how to navigate in addon to make a crash?

Which other addons? I just installed the minimum to test if it crashed… wasn’t that the point of a fresh install?

Just open and from the list:-

  • Movies
  • TV shows
  • People
  • Search
  • Discover
  • Randomised
  • TheMovieDb
  • Trakt

Selecting any option hard crashes Kodi:-

Infact the time in the video Kodi didn’t even recover, it completely crashed the whole OS, usually only Kodi crashes and quickly restarts.

I think I can replicate the crash. Will do more tests tomorrow.

Maybe the problem is old version used (4.4.0) but 4.6.17 is already available.

And the same crash happen on LibreELEC. So it is general issue.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the version of the plugin, in my first post I was using a much newer version of direct from the authors github page and as I said it was happening in other addons as well.

Is this addon even Nexus compatible?

It’s python 3 compatible. At this point in the Nexus development cycle there is not special requirement as far as I know, only that the addon needs to import python 3.0.0 the same as Matrix.

<import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.0"/>

As I said yet again it’s not just this addon, and the addons that show the same crash work perfectly fine in Nexus nightlys under Linux and Windows.

Understood. But this addon works on Linux or Windows?

Yes, I’ve tested Nexus nightlys right up to a couple of days ago on both Linux and Windows and no addons cause crashing.

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Did a clean install of 19.4-Matrix_nightly_20220306-Odroid_N2
The .M2TS format music videos on my Odroid N2+ stutter continuously. The audio is OK.
Not a problem if I revert to 19.3.
Hopefully the following will help.

Sample video: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

roidy: The problem with this addon (and others) is the Python version. This addon works fine on Windows Nexus because there is Python 3.8 used. But CE/LE is using Python 3.9.10 which seems to have some issues. I tested 3.10.2 and with this version addon works again.

So the issue will be fixed when LE bump the Python package.

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Thank you, good to know the cause :+1:

I know nothing about how this project is structured or works but why does LE have to bump the package? Couldn’t the package be bumped by the CE team?

Because CE is following LE.

Ok, I wont pretend to understand what that means, but I guess it now depends on how quickly it takes LE to realise there is a problem and bump the package… if ever :frowning:

At this stage the Nexus is hit and miss. What is working can be broken over night :slight_smile: And then fixed after some time.

The latest Nightly, the update to 19.5, knackered 5.1 passthrough on the N2+. It starts transcoding to 2.0 LPCM.
Reverting to the previous nightly corrects the behavior - passthrough works as expected.

Fixed in the 0803 nightly, thank you!

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