Nightly builds (NEW)

Is still the right Custom Channel to use for updates? For months now using that, I get a blank pop up when using the “Available Versions”. I don’t like auto updates, so I have that set to manual. In the past using Available Versions would show me the latest updates/nightlies, but not for a long while.
I’m using latest Stable.

The URL you posted is the right one and it’s still working flawless for me.

hi to all.
Please tell me,

Where i can turn off/on at compilation such a parameter, which is designated as “Adjust display refresh rate” in the kodi? I don’t mean the appliance.xml file pice of code:
<…setting id=“videoplayer.adjustrefreshrate”…>

This is turns on/off somewhere else.

Welcome to the forum.

No. I need to enable / disable when compiling
this parameter, So that in kodi it cannot be changed.

Then just don’t touch it.

I’m talking about who can tell in which file on github I can change this by default?

Are the nightlies on a bit of a break? Latest is working well, no issues, just an observation.

No break, just hasn’t been a lot of development recently. Between things being in a pretty good state, and remaining problem, possibly needing a lot more time to sort out then some of the developers have at the moment. I know for my self that I have had some major upheavals in my offline life, that have been keeping me away from doing as much as I would like.

Fair enough, I think most things have shut down, in my part of the World anyway, so no surprises there. Take care.

Hi, which nigthlies are for S905X2 (Ugoos X2 Cube)?

You are asking for the dtb.img ??

I ask which file from here is proper one:

Your Hardware has an S905X2 Chip which uses ng CE images.

New install CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-9.2-nightly_20201006-Generic.img.gz

If you already had previous CE installed you would manually update using

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Thank You!

Hi, how to set custom resolution properly?
tried to change paarameter config.ini 1680x1050p60hz and modeline= (copy from xrandr info), I’d activate vesa mode setting coreElec, but still no luck.

I installed to emmc the Generic version of the new NG build on my old S905X box and everything work fine except performing a hard or soft reset to clean the CE storage :slight_smile: When trying to reset, the box just reboot without removing anything from storage.

After digging a little bit I guess the issue is related to get_target() function from /usr/lib/coreelec/factory-reset file failing to find the target device parsing /proc/cmdline
The get_target() function expect disk= in command line to start with either LABEL=, UUID= or / but in the failing case it is starting with FOLDER= (full disk for failing case is disk=FOLDER=/dev/CE_STORAGE)

I tried both build as well as 20201011 nightly build and both show same failing result when trying to reset.

Full /proc/cmdline used for is here and for nightly build here

JakeTri, thanks for this complete analysis. You are right, the script doesn’t cover installation to eMMC. I have solution ready but first attempt failed with wiped Android :frowning: I have to recover it and test again to confirm that solution is correct.

Thank you for looking into this…
Sorry for being lazy and provide only the analysis but I not have time right now to work on a potential patch / solution as well…

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I am unable to replicate this on a NexBox A95X-B7N (S905X) 1/8 running CE-ng stable from eMMC