Nightly builds

True, usefull.
But why transcode if my AVR does LPCM (aac codec for example) passthru.
Almost all modern AVR are capable of that.
And it works with all 90x chips.
Also use it from Windows and some other devices, direct 5.1/7.1.
Is it the hdmi driver for amlogic missing that in 4.9 or is it the kernel it self for hdmi?
If it is the later, why did they remove a common used feature then?

Good. Now I need to fix this damn kernel.

Thanks! Iā€™ll try that. There are other difficult scenes later on this episode. It is a nice benchmark!

No reason. The change that allows LPCM support just wasnā€™t ported to the 4.9 kernel yet.
I donā€™t have an AVR to test, and I donā€™t like making such big changes without being able to test them myself.

More than 300 skipped frames for me :frowning_face:

But I wonder if OC settings actually work:

CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/cpuinfo_max_freq 
CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy2/cpuinfo_max_freq 

OC is broken in current Nightly builds (last two)

I wonder if /flash/config.ini is read. When I put OC settings there they are not set. If I put them in boot.ini they are set.

Download the same nightly version (last version with old kernel) that I used (20190530) and edit boot.ini. Boot.ini is overwritten with every update, so make a copy with your preferences.

Already done :wink:
Waiting for the kidā€™s cartoon end.

Show the config.ini changes please

Boot.ini is not for editing:

Use config.ini. For instance:


setenv max_freq_a73 "2004"
setenv max_freq_a53 "1992"
setenv governor_a73 "performance"
setenv governor_a53 "performance"

[Edit] Ok I missed the ā€œ=ā€ and no setenv to be written

With the 20190530 and proper OC itā€™s fine; Only 15 skips on one shot. Very nice!

Firstly governor line will not work as there is no support in boot.ini for it

Secondly performance is already the default governor for both sets of cores

Only items in config.ini can be configured

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Found out checking actual frequency (although I set 2004) it is ā€œ1992ā€, and so it says on Odroid N2 Wiki. Donā€™t know where I got 2004 value, but correct this to proper value.

Probably here: odroid-n2:application_note:software:set_cpu_freq [ODROID Wiki]

Are you sure you donā€™t mismatch with the A53?

[Edit] It seems that the wiki is wrong:

CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/affected_cpus 
0 1
CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy2/affected_cpus 
2 3 4 5
CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/cpuinfo_cur_freq 
CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy2/cpuinfo_cur_freq 

It appears 1992 is for the big cores and 2004 for the little ones.

Hehe, yes I did

CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/cpuinfo_max_freq
CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy2/cpuinfo_max_freq

Now, which is correct?

Donā€™t think so, because I set 2004 for A73 and 1992 for A53 and get the above result. Box works perfectly so these are most probably correct settingsā€¦

Look at what I wrote: 2004 is for policy2 and policy2 has 4 cores.

Never mind for some misunderstanding, itā€™s all clear to me now.

Why, because itā€™s overwritten with each new update?