Odroid N2 HDD Speedtest

I just upgraded to Ubiquiti Unifi router and switches.
Did it look good?
Then I don’t get why I can only copy from N2 to PC in file manager with 20MB/s

Iperf is a benchmark running from RAM to RAM. As your results for network are almost ideal, you can exclude the physical network as the bottleneck for your copy issue.

As this is a benchmark running from Storage to Storage, the bottleneck seems to be somewhere else. Where on your N2 is CE running from? SD-card / USB / eMMC?
Which type of storage do you use?

See also:

What is the typical SMB write speed for USB 3.0 HDD over gigabit connections?

My iperf3 test also showing good results.
950 mbps (N2 as server)
750-850 mbps (N2 as client)


Internal SSD, the file I am copying is a backup.tar over NFS connection to my documents folder on my server PC, media is on a raid array I don’t have any problems at all watching movies or using the N2 other wise its only that damn speed number showing in file manager that doesn’t match the rest of the network when moving files around or far from it.

As others mentioned, I don’t see any network problem on your N2. If you have a chance, please do with another argument adding “-R” to iperf3 as well. So you should try to find out the bottleneck if it happens on the storage. Since you have files on SSD which must be attached of USB host, you should check disk io performance with dd or iotop.

I just tried installing Kodi on my work PC copying the same file to the same destination with 27MB/s, so it’s doesn’t look like a only N2 problem more a NFS since copying files around other than Kodi stuff is SMB.

Don’t know if it’s still reelvant. I just copied a 1GB file to a USB3 hard disk connected to USB 3 port of N2 over GBit Ethernet. Got about 60MBytes/sec using scp.

Connected fast NVMe disk through USB.
On PC it exceeds 900 MB/sec.
On N2 (nor N2+) is gets up to 90 MB/sec. Disaster.

Well. USB 3.0 is 5 Gbit.
Are there any differences between NTFS/exFAT in terms of speed in CE?
First time I launched dd command I’ve got system crash. Disk is NTFS formatted.

NTFS is really a Window format. You will need to properly shutdown and dismount the drive in Windows to use it in Linux systems like CE.

You will never get 900 MB/sec on N2(+)
A N2 is not a PC

Sure. I don’t expect full speed. But was expecting more than I have.
I am thinking about moving to Dell Wyse 5070 or something like that for CE/LE system.