Hi again,
I would like to bring CEC problem to your attention again.
Short summary:
My configuration: N2 → Denon AVR → Panasonic OLED TV (connected to HDMI 2 port)
CEC settings:
Switch source to this device on startup - on
Devices to power on during startup - None
Devices to power off during startup - None
Send “Inactive source” command on shutdown - on
Put devices in standby mode when activating the screensaver - off
Wake devices deactivating the screensaver - on
When the TV is switched off - Ignore
Devices to also put in standby mode - on
Use the TV’s language setting - off
Action when switching to another source - None
Physical address (overrules HDMI port) - 0
Force AVR to wake up when Kodi is activated - off
Remote button press delay before repeating (ms) - 300
Remote button press repeat rate (ms) - 20
Remote button press release time (ms) - 150
Issue description:
TV is off (standby)
When I switch it on and select HDMI 2 as the source I can see Kodi but TV’s remote doesn’t work.
Then I have to use Android’s Kore application and move cursor around Kodi’s menu and TV’s remote start working.
It works until I switch from HDMI 2 to another source and then back to HDMI 2.
Again TV remote’s buttons doesn’t react and I need to use Kore in order to get back CEC alive.
I’m not native English and I hope my description is clear.
Is there anything that I can provide in order to get this issue resolved?
echo 1 > /sys/class/aocec/dbg_en
is needed?
[EDIT] TV’s remote doesn’t work when I switch to HDMI 2 source BUT… only navigation buttons: left, right, up, down. “Play” button works so now I don’t need to use Kore to “awake” CEC… I need to “awake” CEC pressing “Play” button. Once it is pressed those navigation buttons are getting activated. I don’t know why it is happening as navigation buttons are being active on Odroid-C2 once HDMI 2 source is selected. Apparently it behave differently on Odroid-N2.