Odroid N2 test builds

First video:
The first 7 seconds we clearly perceive jerks, we guess a framerate that should be around 30 FPS. Then it’s more stable, we see the movement as a whole (it’s less painful to the skull), we are close to 50 FPS. Our sensibilities are surely different. But I see that the screen is important. I recommend an oled screen for better viewing.

It is obviously more visible in “real”.

I must say watching movies on this box is noting but excellent, picture quality is simply superb a real joy.

Yes thank you, I just try. But the most embarrassing is especially during the “scrolling” covers. (Video 2)
But the covers are so beautiful in 4K, I’ll leave like that, it does not matter.

Took another one IR Remote (yamaha RAV534) - this one is recognized by uboot, and shows codes @ poweroff/suspend via usb-uart. But, ir-keytable -p NEC shows nothing with this remote. Also, trying to determine protocol used lead me nowhere.
Took the code from uboot, entered it into boot.ini - no wakeup…

Here is the dispinfo for 1080p 444 that keeps losing signal whereas 4K works fine:
@cdu13a @Ray

Add your code in config.ini

# IR setup for Odroid N2
#   Setup a custom keycode to wake the N2 from suspend or poweroff
#   You can stop kodi and eventlircd and use "ir-keytable -u" to obtain a compatible NEC keycode
#   decode_type can be one of the following
#       UNKNOWN=0x0, NEC=0x1, DUOKAN=0x2, XMP_1=0x3, RC5=0x4, RC6=0x5,
#       XMP_1_SW=0x6, NEC_SW=0x7, LEGACY_NEC=0x8, RC6_21BIT=0x9
   decode_type="0x1" # NEC

Mine works for me
Also check output of dmesg|grep lirc. Should show something like this:

[    0.000000@0] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 BOOT_IMAGE=kernel.img boot=UUID=1304-4710 disk=UUID=e7ae960d-36c0-4d51-b2d2-b7aae2017990 no_console_suspend logo=osd0,loaded,0x3f800000,1080p50hz vout=1080p50hz,enable voutmode=hdmi hdmimode=1080p50hz cvbsmode=nocvbs mac=00:1e:xx:xx:xx:xx consoleblank=0 max_freq_a53=1896 max_freq_a73=1800 maxcpus=6 enable_wol=1 hdmitx=cec3f quiet hk-lirc-helper.remotewakeup="0xbf40fe01" hk-lirc-helper.decode_type="0x1" # NEC
[    5.540021@3] lirc_helper: wakeupkey 0xbf40fe01, protocol 0x1

I do my testing on an OLED.

Then your remote is not NEC. Make sure to stop Kodi and eventlircd before running ir-keytable

I don’t see anything in video 2. My idea is to make two identical videos scrolling movies. One with 1080p60 another one with 2160p60. Then maybe it will be possible to see the difference. Please fo new videos.

By cons, I see a problem more disturbing. It looks like the color depth is not the right one. The gradients are worse than on the S912.

Colordepth is set in testbuilds not in official builds. And it is correct.

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If I understand correctly, it will be corrected in the next update? :blush:

Colordepth is auto switched in my recent testbuilds. And it is working correctly now. Otherwise on other builds it stays 8bit all the time.

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Last question for today. I notice that when you change the source, Kodi does not pause the movie. While this was the case on before. Can we reactivate this?

I think this is a CEC setting. Look at peripherals settings.

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Indeed there is this parameter in “CEC adptater”, -> action to be executed during a change of source = pause. It was already set correctly. Strange. I will retest …

So by doing this test, I discovered yet another problem. You may already know it. The CEC command no longer works when Kodi goes to sleep. Kodi does not wake up, he is completely blocked.

It doesn’t wakeup because some other chinese AML box is jamming CEC line (my guess)

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Negative. the other box is totally disconnected. It looks like N2 goes off completely instead of staying in sleep.

Edit :

  1. I confirm, when Kodi CEC sends the command “Standby”, N2 goes off completely. Which cuts the CEC communication.

  2. And the command auto CEC “Pause” does not send any command.

CEC suspend and wake up works fine here. It looks like it completely power off because all leds turn off but it wakes up when tv turns on.

Not at my house. It does not turn back on. While it works well with the Beekink GT1. strange.