Odroid N2 test builds

@Ray I want to use it, but there has been change in color space or color depth or something of 1080p that my HDMI cables cannot handle that signal. 4K works fine but 1080p keeps cutting out. Can you tell me how to manually change the cd/cs such that I can reduce the bandwidth required to transmit that signal?
4K runs at 420
1080p runs at 444
Can I change 1080p to 420 or 422 so that my cables can handle that signal?

Try running echo 422 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr in SSH and then switch to 1080P.

Thanks. Seems to be working. How can I make it permanent? Put the echo command in autostart.sh?

Yep, that should do it.
But also make sure that 4K still works properly.

Still early but I do see GUI performance gain by disable dirty regions and haven’t seen any screen tearing yet but I never browse menu while video is playing.
From my view I really don’t see any difference if GUI is 1080p or 4K, I have mine set at 4K and don’t expect that to chance, but disable dirty regions do seem more smooth.

@Comma Can you play a video and go browse the main menu with the video playing? Do you see the images tearing up as you scroll through your library?

It’s possible that the screen is tearing with dirty regions at 0 because GUI vsync is disabled during playback, as it introduced stutters with subs.

@TheCoolest That is what it feels like. I went looking for Vsync setting which was nowhere to be found.
PS: there seems to be some problems with discourse software. It has a mind of its own. Sometimes replies are correctly directed and show up on screen. Sometimes, it doesn’t.

2 videos, for 2 different motion effects.

In each of the videos I apply the same effect to 2 different places, one where there are a lot of covers and which slows down, and the other one or the S922 does not slow down. I think we should be able to optimize the GUI to stay at 60 FPS everywhere.

Feel free to watch several times, without “motion compensation”, and on a screen with low remanence preferably. (I have the impression that on an LCD is less obvious than an oled.)

Now I don’t know what should be in that videos and which one is which because I don’t see a difference.

Please provide:


While playing 1080p at 444

Will give you a link with logs for @cdu13a to look at.

As for 4K GUI. You either want a real 4K GUI or if you don’t performance use 1080p GUi.

Try to switch off “Use slide animation” in skin settings
It will be more smooth and faster

First video:
The first 7 seconds we clearly perceive jerks, we guess a framerate that should be around 30 FPS. Then it’s more stable, we see the movement as a whole (it’s less painful to the skull), we are close to 50 FPS. Our sensibilities are surely different. But I see that the screen is important. I recommend an oled screen for better viewing.

It is obviously more visible in “real”.

I must say watching movies on this box is noting but excellent, picture quality is simply superb a real joy.

Yes thank you, I just try. But the most embarrassing is especially during the “scrolling” covers. (Video 2)
But the covers are so beautiful in 4K, I’ll leave like that, it does not matter.

Took another one IR Remote (yamaha RAV534) - this one is recognized by uboot, and shows codes @ poweroff/suspend via usb-uart. But, ir-keytable -p NEC shows nothing with this remote. Also, trying to determine protocol used lead me nowhere.
Took the code from uboot, entered it into boot.ini - no wakeup

Here is the dispinfo for 1080p 444 that keeps losing signal whereas 4K works fine:
@cdu13a @Ray

Add your code in config.ini

# IR setup for Odroid N2
#   Setup a custom keycode to wake the N2 from suspend or poweroff
#   You can stop kodi and eventlircd and use "ir-keytable -u" to obtain a compatible NEC keycode
#   decode_type can be one of the following
#       UNKNOWN=0x0, NEC=0x1, DUOKAN=0x2, XMP_1=0x3, RC5=0x4, RC6=0x5,
#       XMP_1_SW=0x6, NEC_SW=0x7, LEGACY_NEC=0x8, RC6_21BIT=0x9
   decode_type="0x1" # NEC

Mine works for me
Also check output of dmesg|grep lirc. Should show something like this:

[    0.000000@0] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 BOOT_IMAGE=kernel.img boot=UUID=1304-4710 disk=UUID=e7ae960d-36c0-4d51-b2d2-b7aae2017990 no_console_suspend logo=osd0,loaded,0x3f800000,1080p50hz vout=1080p50hz,enable voutmode=hdmi hdmimode=1080p50hz cvbsmode=nocvbs mac=00:1e:xx:xx:xx:xx consoleblank=0 max_freq_a53=1896 max_freq_a73=1800 maxcpus=6 enable_wol=1 hdmitx=cec3f quiet hk-lirc-helper.remotewakeup="0xbf40fe01" hk-lirc-helper.decode_type="0x1" # NEC
[    5.540021@3] lirc_helper: wakeupkey 0xbf40fe01, protocol 0x1

I do my testing on an OLED.

Then your remote is not NEC. Make sure to stop Kodi and eventlircd before running ir-keytable