Odroid N2 test builds

There are also 2 other ir decode_types 0x7 and 0x8. Give it a shot.

Maybe the info is scattered through this topic so I’ve collected everything here…
Follow these steps to setup IR wake-up code for your remote:
ssh to your box’s IP (root/coreelec)
systemctl stop eventlircd
systemctl stop kodi
ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to nec
Waiting for NEC decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Press the button on your remote you want to use for wake-up
Received NEC code: 0x4EB18F70
mount -o remount,rw /flash
nano /flash/config.ini
go to the end of the file and insert these two lines (use the same code you got from ir-keytable)
press Ctrl-X then Y and then ENTER

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If you use the parameter p you have to use also the parameter t. Otherwise ir-keytable will not show anything. Or even better you use only the parameter u, this will set nec and t.

Or, cat /proc/cmdline

N2:~ # cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 BOOT_IMAGE=kernel.img boot=UUID=1404-2643 disk=UUID=eb0c88a8-ecaf-4b29-90f9-d50c48062f93 no_console_suspend logo=osd0,loaded,0x3f800000,1080p60hz vout=1080p60hz,enable voutmode=hdmi hdmimode=1080p60hz cvbsmode=nocvbs mac=00:1e:06:42:0a:37 consoleblank=0 max_freq_a53=1896 max_freq_a73=1800 maxcpus=6 enable_wol=1 hdmitx=cec3f quiet hk-lirc-helper.remotewakeup=“0xbc43ee11” hk-lirc-helper.decode_type=0x1

CoreELEC:~ # cat /proc/cmdline
console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 BOOT_IMAGE=kernel.img boot=UUID=1404-2643 disk=UUID=eb0c88a8-ecaf-4b29-90f9-d50c48062f93 no_console_suspend logo=osd0,loaded,0x3f800000,1080p60hz vout=1080p60hz,enable voutmode=hdmi hdmimode=1080p60hz cvbsmode=nocvbs mac=00:1e:06:42:12:1c consoleblank=0 max_freq_a53=1896 max_freq_a73=1800 maxcpus=6 enable_wol=1 hdmitx=cec3f quiet
CoreELEC:~ #

Looks like you are using an older build where this is not supported. Update to a more recent one:

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Yes !!! Its working now with newer version. Thank you once again you are the best :grinning:

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Great, now we need to find out what the problem @Gobol has with it.

Been struggling to get the remotewakeup key working also, will try what is on the last few posts and report back if I have any success.

The 2 remotes I have tried with are a Mecool remote from a M8S Pro (0x00FF9A65) and the Bluetooth Hotack_RC which fires an IR signal for power command (0x0202B24D)- AFAIK they both use NEC proto and even though they have different codes both will poweroff and wakeup the M8S Pro so guessing Mecools Uboot looks for many codes.

I have been able to capture the codes (have also used the odroid wiki way for Ubuntu minimal through Lirc to capture codes and not working there) and applied them to both boot.ini and config.ini (separately but just in case it worked in one and not the other) but do not get any joy in waking up.

Update: Dirty regions at 0 is not and option since it crashes the system and Kodi reboots when the UpNext addon notification is displayed on screen at the end of a episode.
To bad since it did improve the GUI.

Hey guys,

first of all… thank‘s for your great work!

I‘ve got a question about porting my running Kodi (18.1) from a RaspberryPi 3B+ with LibreELEC (9.0.1) to a fresh CoreELEC on N2 (getting my device next week and prepare myself already :P).

What would be the best way to do that?

I thought about…

  1. Set up a clean CE on N2 with the current test build
  2. Export the Kodi system on the old LE
  3. Import the Kodi on the new CE
  • Is it possible that way?
  • Could there be a problem because the test builds are on Kodi 18.2 RC1 already?
  • What would you suggest to save and reuse my Kodi config, addons etc?

I recommend to make a clean install and setup everything manually.

I tried your build from 18th (Leia 18.2rc1) on eMMC. No issues resuming from Suspend any more,
BUT there is another one: watching “normal” .mkv 720p movies about every one hour it flashes “time line” overlay on the screen for a second and resumes playing normally as nothing has happened. The video/audio does not stop or brake, just shows the overlay for a second…

Edit: IIRC since I was actually enjoying the movies, before the “Time line” appeared on the screen, the audio became out of sync. Don’t know how “resync” looks like since I never had issues with that.

This should work. I’ve my .kodi directory from Kodi Helix times (Ubuntu) and used them on LibreELEC and now CoreELEC.
The only issue I ran into were the overscan settings in guisettings.xml I’ve mentioned in this Thread how to solve several times.

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I would suggest NOT to use any custom skin in the backup that you’ll port from RPi, so that Kodi starts with buldin skin Estuary (v. at the moment) after you do the restore.

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Update on remotes, got one working following advice from above, thanks…

Re-scanned the codes using the above method and received different codes:

Working Mecool: 0xA659FF00 / Previous from Ubuntu: 0x00FF9A65

New Hotack_RC: 0xB24DBF40 / Previous from Ubuntu: 0x0202B24D

Entered the new code for Mecool remote and got it working fine :slight_smile:

Ideally I would like to use the Bluetooth remote but one working for now is cool.

For the Hotack_RC I have tried with 0x01, 0x07 and 0x08 device_types but it just does not respond. Not really sure where to go so random question time haha

Could it be using a different protocol which my old M8S Pro accepted for power and get picked up by ir_keytable/lirc as a random NEC code?

Cheers, E.

Ubuntu uses the irw values which are then converted. I disabled conversion because we use rc core and you can get values with “ir-keytable -u”

Thanks Ray - Explains the difference in codes :slight_smile:

Still can’t get the Hotack one working with what should be the right code now so not sure on that one…

Think I’ll get Hyperion-ng set-up and come back to it haha

Did you catch a code with ir-keytable? In uboot if you have a uart NEC codes are printed too. It’s probably wise to get an uart.

The number after devel is a unix timestamp. It’s seconds since Thursday 1st of January 1970 0:00 UTC. This timestamp is the time I built it.

Edit: Convert it here https://www.unixtimestamp.com

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