PLEX media server

Some Guide to install Plex Media Server? cos i have no idea…

I installed the zip( but I don’t know how to run it or update it. some help?

Thank you.

Some idea to instala plex media server in core elec?

Yes, it’s in docker, coreelec repo…

I have read your experience and i have tried to do it but if i edit docker.linuxserver.plex file, it has not LIBREELEC_ARCH.

Could you help me to mount plex server?

I try to connect by web gui and i get this

Try to connect using 192.168.0. 25:32400/web

I have had this same issue before when setting up.

Thanks, it is correct :zipper_mouth_face:

hi please tell me about instruction to install plex media server on Coreelec Step by step
I tried to follow the steps here. Unsuccessful
Thank in advance

Go to addons, install - from a repository - Coreelec addons - Repository addons -… and install it.
Go back to add-ons - install from repo -… - services - Plex
install and done. And you should be able to see Plex website in you browser. And if you can’t see your movie folders when creating libraries, got to Plex server add-on settings and add those folders there and then you will see them in Plex.

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Ohh!!! Thank ypu for your help so easy :slight_smile:

I did, but how can go to Plex website?

http://milocalhost:32400/web <—nathing happens…


You have to replace “milocalhost” with the IP address of your Coreelec device…

I did and nothing…

My Steps.

Go to repository coreelec addons and install docker add-ons.
Go repository and install PLEX (LINUXSERVER.IO) .

When i press i can see that:

Docker is installed but docker image updater i cant :S.

Then i take Plex media server from :

Well… now i put http://milocalhostcoreelec:32400/web

and nothing happens :sa:

what am I doing wrong?

@Anjuna, you are trying to install Plex server from the wrong place. Install docker add-ons repository from the CoreELEC (Nightly?) Add-ons repo. The Plex server for docker is in there. I’ve put (Nightly?) because that’s what I’m on. It will show differently if you’re on stable.

Thx! It Works!!!

Does the Plex server on CoreELEC work well on TV boxes with Amlogic S922X, and Amlogic S905X4 SoCs? Compared to a Shield TV for example … Thank you