PLS Update Coreelec Repository Teleboy


I am using the PVR addon Teleboy. It is an official Kodi addon. I can download from the Kodi Repository. It has now the Version 18.1.1.

Unfortunately the Coreelec Verion has only the old Version 18.0.25 in his PVR Section. At the moment I can not use Teleboy with this old Version. Can you please Update the Coreelec Repository with the new PVR version?


18.1.x+ is for Kodi Matrix and not compatible with Leia.


that’s not right.

18.1.1 is for Kodi Lea. 19+ is for kodi Matrix. Rbuehlma has on github different branches. You have to choose the LEIA branch and there you are.

Here you can see the changelog for LEIA

And here is the LEIA BRANCH:

Please update to the latest version. 18.1.1

Apologies I only looked at the releases.

I’ve updated the addon in our repo.

Thank you.

Up to now I did not get any update information. The addon version is still 18.0.25. I have deinstalled it and installed it again, but still 18.0.25.

Can you send me the installable ZIP-File?

You need to refresh the repositories for your system to see the update.

Hi, could someone please update the addon in the repo to version 18.1.5-Leia? Thx :blush:


would you mind to update to the newest 18.1.6 Version for Leia?

Thank you very much.

Will look at it later tonight.

Still no update available. Why?

Because I have a life?

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Tell me how it works, then I do it myself.

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Can you please update the Repo again. There is a new version of the addon since today. The older version doesn’t work anymore.

Thank you

It should be available with next tomorrow nightly

That’s cool. I can’t see the commit for the Leia Branch but I am sure you didn’t forget it. Thank you

Leia do not receive updates anymore: CoreELEC 9 (Leia) End of Life Announcement

Also the author does not provide a release for Leia anymore as well:

Thank you for the information.

Can I update from Leia to Matrix using the native coreelec menu or do I have to flash it completely new?

You can drop the tar or image into the .update folder and reboot, which will upgrade Leia to Matrix. However, all addons will have to be reinstalled/updated to be compatible with Matrix.

In general, team CoreELEC recommends a fresh installation.

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Thank you for your support.

I have installed the latest Matrix release rc3. A complete new Installation.

Unfortunately the pvr addon is still on the old version. What do I need to do to get the new version?

It’s available in nightly build