Report about Amlogic S905X4 HK1 RBOX X4

Hello, I have a Transpeed 4x 1000 M whose hardware and format is very similar to the HK1. I copied to the root the generic DTB that comes in the sc2_s905x4_1gbit image, WIFI works but it doesn’t let me enable the 1GB ethernet port in CE (it works in Android). Has anyone had the wired network connection work on this device on CE?

Once more as not all users are reading the topic:
The cheap S905X4 devices do assemble different parts what do maybe include another, not supported, Ethernet chip. This is right now the case.


  • Buy cheap, buy twice, or accept not fully working features
  • Buy hardware official supported by CE
  • Use the 100MBit instead giga bit
  • Wait and hope someday this driver will be included

Has anyone with a Gigabit Ethernet box benchmarked it to see what transfer rates are achievable with the S905X4 SOC?


Yes Testing hk1x4 box
Same dtb as you are using

Need to disconnect from wifi
Ethernet lan should work

Took box apart here are images of
Wifi/ bluetooth
Ethernet Transceiver rtl 8211f

I bought an HK1 RBOX X4, unfortunately his Ethernet chip is JL2021. Wireless network can work but only with 97mbps,it works well on android(433mbps).

I checked and my device has the same chips as your.
But it follows me without letting me enable the wired network with this dtb in Coreelec. When you can, could you confirm what version you are using?
Thank you very much.

I have the box X96 X4 (S905X4) with the same Ethernet chip JL2101, the 1Gbit network doesn’t work there either. I hope the BUG will be fixed soon.

Here you go
Some pics to confirm

It’s not a “bug” the Jl2101 chip which is is many of these HK1 devices is not currently supported.


Freddy, your temp shows only 47degrees C, how are you cooling it???

0lder lap top cooling fan
Its a dual
Hard to see in pic/ dark
Underneath box

Happy Testing

Thanks for that information.

1 Like

I have tried all the methods above but didn’t work.Now i use wireless instead of Ethernet.The wireless speed is very slow(only 97mbps), and it will be buffered frequently when playing BluRay movies.

I use the stmmac_main and stmmac_mdio patches from 7J1 jl2xxx: add driver for jl2101 ethernet phy by 7Ji · Pull Request #12 · CoreELEC/linux-amlogic · GitHub and set my HK1 to 100Mb via CoreElec and can use the ethernet port. My iperf scores aren’t great, but It’s good enough for Live TV from another backend. 7Ji says this is not the SoC so there is some hope that someone will figure out how to better use the JL2101

how to add android internal memory to be visible in coreelec

I also bought an HK1 RBOX X4 and have the same problem.

Lightning, I have the same problem, freezing, crashing, sometimes at boot, sometime when working.
I found, have problems, when i use a power switch on the DC line, like this: CrazySwitch
When connect poweradapter without switch, no problems.
Maybe the 5V/2A is on border, and if I loose milivolts/miliampers, the power is not enough?

I don’t think mine is power problem. Mine can’t even if install big app in Android . It says not enough memory even though I have 53gb left. When I try open apps like real racing, it crash immediately with the screen showing the white noise thing. . it’s just bad hardware maybe ram or internal emmc.

Do any other HK1 users have trouble with the power off not working properly? It does shutdown and the light goes red, but then about 5 seconds later it is blue again, and CE restarts. My Tanix X4 doesn’t have this issue.

To get around this I have to run a custom build with pieces of the closed JL2101 patch to get it to work properly, but it is a pain. To test a nightly before I build my own I have to go to emmc and shutdown there, fortunately long power lets me restart under my control.

In post #304 clarkss12 posted a link related to the lastest android firmware, it fixed the shutdown issue (kernel issue ig). This is related when wifi is disabled and shutdown will reboot the box.

Good luck!