Repository for AmRemote & Meson IR Remote Controllers

Unfortunately both doesn’t work

CoreELEC3:~ # dmesg | paste

CoreELEC3:~ # ir-keytable
/sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
No devices found

Can you SSH into the box and run: :

systemctl stop kodi
systemctl stop eventlircd
ir-keytable -u

then press the power key on the remote and paste the output here?

It should look something like:

Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0xb24d4040', decode_type='0x0', remotewakeupmask='0xffffffff'

See output, it seems ir-keytable is not available

CoreELEC3:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC3:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC3:~ # ir-keytable -u
/sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
No devices found
CoreELEC3:~ #

For troubleshooting purposes, I tried to burn to another sd card. But same result. I can power on the box via remote. but after that the remote doesn’t work anymore.

Please ensure to follow all troubleshooting steps.

Thanks for your help. Removing the remote.conf on the /flash did the trick. Thanks again.

I thought I had the answer in the file so I called it H96max.
I do t know where this extra step is that I’ve done?

Here you can see the text I’m using and the locations for each.
Is this correct ?

All the scan codes are the same when I SSH into the box

So when are you going to provide a debug log?

do you need the hardware log or the whole zip? (93.1 KB)

I found this post and it fixed my issue



Looking config for GK-MPM1111C (Supernova OTT Amlogic chipset S905X)

I am using an 3 x Harmony Smart remotes for my 3 coreElec boxes.
All are configured to run with the windows remote files from Harmony.
I assume some sort of Meson file in the dtb.img file.
On one box I have had to change the timing in the Harmony setup but it still has key press timing issues. Can I access the file in the dtb.img and modify key press delays/timing etc? or am I barking up the wrong tree?
I have added a few extra functions using the keys editor but cant see how to adjust delays etc?
Thanks in advance

Hello. I have such a problem. I have had the Ugoos AM6B Plus box for a few days now. I have a Logitech Harmony 700 IR remote control. I have already coded the Harmony remote control for Nvidia Shield TV and used these codes to teach AM6B Plus.
I used this instruction:

I have the latest LibreElec Beta update with Kodi 21 installed on AM6B Plus.
I have been struggling for 2 days to set everything up on the remote control. The POWER button on the IR remote control worked properly from the beginning. I had problems with a few other keys, but I managed to set them yesterday. In the evening, the CoreElec Beta update arrived, so I installed it. Then I noticed that every time I press the POWER button on the IR remote control, instead of the box turning off, I get a power menu with shutdown options.

I don’t know if I messed something up or if the Beta is broken, but the power button on the Bluetooth remote control from the box works properly.

This is my file that I load into the box and the box accepts everything.

# table UGOOSAM6BPLUS, type: NEC
0x807e0d KEY_RIGHT
0x807e0b KEY_LEFT 
0x807e0c KEY_UP
0x807e0e KEY_DOWN 
0x807e03 KEY_OK
0x807e09 KEY_MENU
0x807e02 KEY_BACK
0x807e1b KEY_INFO
0x807e11 KEY_PLAY
0x807e08 KEY_PAUSE
0x807e0a KEY_REWIND
0x807e0f KEY_FastForward
0x807e41 KEY_5
0x807e45 KEY_6
0x807e07 KEY_STOP
0x807e16 KEY_Audio
0x807e1a KEY_2
0x807e18 KEY_3
0x807e06 KEY_POWER
0x807e1b KEY_C
0x807e17 KEY_1
0x807e09 KEY_HOME
0x807e19 KEY_4
0x807e1c KEY_7
0x807e1d KEY_8
0x807e1e KEY_9

Anyone have an idea?
PS. Also like the guy above @bazzle, I have a problem with delays.

Hello, after trying lots of devices with S905Xx family soc I have just bought a Beelink GTking with S922x, my problem is that this box came with the new IR/Bluetooth remote, and there is no remote files for that.
I have found the remote files on android, but I have 5 different files for the remote, so if someone can guide me we can make the file for this remote and upload it to the repo.
We are talking about this new controller:

What I have done in the past is to map the keys into Kodi Keymapper addon.
You then save the changes .
gen.xml file can be found in the Kodi/userdata/keymaps folder.

Here is a corrected remote .hwdb file for the BT uGoos X4Q box UR01_BLE remote. This is simply an edited version of the UR01_BLE.hwdb file in the repository but with the added line KEYBOARD_KEY_c0040=c which enables the Menu button which was not working before. I tried =menu but this did not work so used the normal =c which works fine.

UR01_BLE.hwdb (113 Bytes)

Thanks, it was included in our file in remote repo. Just a reminder that Menu is accessible also with long press of ok button in this remote

Yes I did use the file form the remote repo for BT for this uGoos remote but the menu button was definitely not working for me or for some friends too. Duh I have forgotten about the long push of the OK button.