RTLxl plays like fast forward


I am using an M8S L Pro with an S912.

When i use the addon Retrospect, it plays the stream of RTL XL, like it is in fast forward.
The other streams play without any problem.
i have brought this under the attention of the developer of Retrospect and he claims it´s an Coreelec problem.

It seems that the RTLXL streams are of a better qualitiy then the other program streams, anfd that the CODEC used in coreelec keeps sycronasing.

Does anyone know an solution? Or maybe can you fix this in the next update.

Kind regards.


Hi Guys
Are these streams DRM protected ?
I translated parts of the forum for this addon and struggled to understand a lot of it.

Reboot your device

SSH into your device

Play a stream with the problem for a few seconds

Execute Command in SSH


Supply the link to the log here.

Also can you please supply the debug logs you posted on the other forum ??

Here are the logs:



I have no idea if these streams are DRM protected

Cees, zie jij kans om de log waar kostaman omvraagt te maken?

Have a look at the settings inputstreams adaptive . Maybe try different settings.

Adaptive Stream add-on 'inputstream.adaptive' with decryption support was found.
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - m3u8.py              - 140  - Using InputStream Adaptive add-on for M3u8 playback.
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 1048 - Adding stream property: inputstreamaddon = inputstream.adaptive
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 1048 - Adding stream property: inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type = hls
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 1048 - Adding stream property: inputstream.adaptive.stream_headers = user-agent=Mozilla/5.0%20%28Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20WOW64%3B%20rv%3A45.0%29%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/45.0
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - addonsettings.py     - 665  - Using the Retrospect Default Bitrate: 4000
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 457  - Updating the playlist for item at position 0 and trying to preserve other playlist items
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 463  - Starting with Playlist Items (1)
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 463  - + plugin://plugin.video.retrospect/?action=playvideo&pickle=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%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%2bMDGhMjAAAAAIVScRpVFl9NZWRpYUl0ZW1fX2luZm9MYWJlbHNxG31VEF9NZWRpYUl0ZW1fX2RhdGVxHFUQMjAxOS0wMy0yNiAxOTozNVUGaXNQYWlkcR2JVQRuYW1lcR5YMAAAAEFmbC4gMSAtIFdhcm0gT250aGFhbCBWb29yIEJlYXUgSW4gVmlsbGEgUGFyZG9lc1UJZG9udEdyb3VwcR%2bJVQN1cmxxIFh1AAAAaHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydGwubmwvc3lzdGVtL3M0bS94bGRhdGEvdXgvZDAwOTdkZmEtNmYzYi00MzVlLTkzMjktMjdkYmFhNDFjZjE5P2NvbnRleHQ9cnRseGwmZD1wYyZmbXQ9YWRhcHRpdmUmdmVyc2lvbj0zVQVpdGVtc3EhXVUJZ3VpZFZhbHVlcSKKIfTCybn0ITmuUwN5i7T1Pat19QHJNqVuWa6Aoj6TFpG4AHViLg%3d%3d&channel=chn_rtl
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 864  - Creating Kodi ListItem 'Afl. 1 - Warm Onthaal Voor Beau In Villa Pardoes'
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 1048 - Adding stream property: inputstream.adaptive.max_bandwidth = 4000000
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 887  - Updating Kodi playlist-item path: http://manifest.us.rtl.nl/rtlxl/v166/network/pc/adaptive/components/videorecorder/39/390099/409855/d0097dfa-6f3b-435e-9329-27dbaa41cf19.ssm/d0097dfa-6f3b-435e-9329-27dbaa41cf19.m3u8
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 492  - Adding Kodi Stream parameters: {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0%20%28Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20WOW64%3B%20rv%3A45.0%29%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/45.0'}
20190417 17:05:23 - [DEBUG   ] - mediaitem.py         - 492  - + user-agent=Mozilla/5.0%20%28Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20WOW64%3B%20rv%3A45.0%29%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/45.0
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - Creating playlist for Bitrate: 4000 kbps
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - | MediaItem: Afl. 1 - Warm Onthaal Voor Beau In Villa Pardoes [Type=video, Complete=True, IsLive=False, Date=2019-03-26 19:35, Geo/DRM=False/False]
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - | MediaPart: Afl. 1 - Warm Onthaal Voor Beau In Villa Pardoes [HttpHeaders={'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0'}]
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |  + MediaStream: http://manifest.us.rtl.nl/rtlxl/v166/network/pc/adaptive/components/videorecorder/39/390099/409855/d0097dfa-6f3b-435e-9329-27dbaa41cf19.ssm/d0097dfa-6f3b-435e-9329-27dbaa41cf19.m3u8 [bitrate=0, downloaded=False]
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |     + Property: inputstreamaddon=inputstream.adaptive
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |     + Property: inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type=hls
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |     + Property: inputstream.adaptive.stream_headers=user-agent=Mozilla/5.0%20%28Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20WOW64%3B%20rv%3A45.0%29%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/45.0
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - | Selected Streams:
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |  + MediaStream: http://manifest.us.rtl.nl/rtlxl/v166/network/pc/adaptive/components/videorecorder/39/390099/409855/d0097dfa-6f3b-435e-9329-27dbaa41cf19.ssm/d0097dfa-6f3b-435e-9329-27dbaa41cf19.m3u8 [bitrate=0, downloaded=False]
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |     + Property: inputstreamaddon=inputstream.adaptive
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |     + Property: inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type=hls
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - |     + Property: inputstream.adaptive.stream_headers=user-agent=Mozilla/5.0%20%28Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20WOW64%3B%20rv%3A45.0%29%20Gecko/20100101%20Firefox/45.0
20190417 17:05:23 - [INFO    ] - mediaitem.py         - 510  - +     + Property: inputstream.adaptive.max_bandwidth=4000000

The new version of inputstream.adaptive (2.3.17) doesn’t solve the problem. The streams of RTLXL are h264.