[S922X] Bee-link GT King

I don‘t need Android. I think people who also need Android should buy the N2.

Beelink introduced the secure bootloader bl32 at 0527. As we don’t have this bootloader blob we can’t boot Android now. It remains in a endless loop.

I see
Then the only hope for achieve dual boot is to get support from Beelink, and source code of Uboot + secure bl32.
Actually it should be possible to do something also with the blob itself, because if you can boot a custom UBoot means that the BL2 (which is loaded by the ROM BL1 I guess) is not signed

Do they have an ATV port for it?? Last I read, it did not. My “King” was pretty useless to me, until Superceleron ported the Android ATV to it. Now, I have been using it exclusively for the last week or two. I am only using it as a media player, not a gaming station or a computer.

Someone is working on LinageOS for N2 so I guess it will have.

Android tv for N2 https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=178&t=35390 and LineageOS-16.0 based Android TV for Odroid-N2 https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=178&t=35484


LinageOS is what I have on my phone - I can’t imagine it been useful on a none touch screen device.


Can you imagine Android tablet (touch) version on any box? Yet, almost all Android boxes work OK with tablet versions using mouse and/or keyboard.

Thats a matter of opinion - I think a keyboard and mouse works shite on any touch screen OS.



I’m currently running only CoreELEC on my N2. I’d be interested in being able to multi-boot on the N2. Can you refer to where I should look to learn how to set that up?

Thank you!

Here is the discussion about SPI-Petitboot that offers multi boot options on N2

Status update: CEC is fixed.

Current issues remaining: Slow ethernet performance


Personally if this was actually BeeLinks doing and not as a result of Aml pushing a newe Android version to their down stream vendors that for some company that claims they want to help you guys out when in reality they started locking up their bootloader i would just tell them then to go pound salt as your time and resources are limited being a free enterprise as CE is so why bother helping them?

Let the users buying the product go crying back to Beelink for support or press the issue with the device vendor. If thats what they did thats like getting a kick in the nuts for all your efforts up till now. They either want to see linux on their device or they don’t and trying to dictate by doing what they did in the reflected changed is a clear message about who’s running the show.

You think it is safe to oder it now? Would use only coreelec on the device.

I don’t know, I couldn’t recommend any STB as it’s difficult to completely support them long term.

Does h264/h265 4k already work, pls?
Honestly not sure if h265 in use already for any tv box :wink:
Not familiar with video formats, just know that 4k exists

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Asking repeatedly “Are we there yet?” won’t help make the image ready quicker, and it’s just annoying.
It’ll be ready when it’s ready. If you want something that already works well, get an N2. It’s cheaper in many cases than the GT-King anyway, and allows you much more flexibility.

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Have reviewed n2, it does not have spdif conn, so gt-king wins :wink: as htpc gt-king is much better choice even if coreelec works only

Don’t take us wrong, we are not asking to get you pissed, we are just excited more/less :slight_smile:

N2 actually has the SPDIF signal in the IO header so you can make an SPDIF out by yourself. TheCoolest designed a PCB for the N2 which has SPDIF connector.
I can’t see how the GT-King could be a ‘much better choice’.

For most people the built in quality DAC on the N2 will out perform what the spidf is capable of.