[S922X] Ugoos AM6(+), Help & Support

I have an issue with Dolby Atmos/Dolby surround not being triggered (Soundbar connected via eARC). Out of all the MKVs I’ve tried, they all just play sound via PCM, and only ONE file triggered ‘Dolby Surround’ on my soundbar (and I can’t tell what’s different for that file from the others).

Any suggestions?

What are your settings under System > Audio, i.e. mainly audio passthrough settings?

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Thanks for the reply! These are my audio pass through settings, is there anything I should change?

I also see that under ‘audio decoder’ setting it asks for number of channels. It was set at 2 and I’ve now changed it to 5.1 since I have a 5.1 surround system, so hopefully that might help too?

If you are using Earc from TV
Then TV determine what is returned to Sound Bar,Amp,etc. from HDMI

Check your TV audio settings
Maybe is set on 2 channel pcm,
Or that is all it can return stereo audio

Try audio optic cable from ugoos box direct to Soundbar.
Think max on toslink is 5.1 channel so should handle your system

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Strange, cannot see anything that looks wrong there I’m afraid

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I went ahead and ticked 'dolby digital plus (e-AC3) capable receiver to on, and also DTS capable receiver to on. And then under ‘audio decoder’ I changed number of channels from 2 to 5.1.

I don’t know which of these changes did the trick, but now the files that were playing as PCM seem to be triggering the ‘Dolby surround’ message on my soundbar :slight_smile:

thanks a lot for prompting me to check the audio settings on the Ugoos box, I had only checked the settings on my LG tv

TLDR: CMv4.0 bug

Hey all - quick question.

I just received my AM6B + yesterday with the n firmware installed from the factory.

I installed the CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.1-Omega_nightly_20240804-Generic.img.gz without incident, utilizing dual boot, and was able to install the updated plexmod, etc etc.

All appears to be well. Everything appears to play just fine, dolby vision p7 MEL/FEL files (other profiles too) - it triggers DV on my Sony A80J OLED.

The only weird thing I’ve noticed is the following: I downloaded a ton of test files to test out the different capabilities of the DV engine. The only one that is giving me trouble are the CMv4.0 mks/mp4s. Every CMv2.9 files I test (the ones with the red screen), all the trims appear to work.

However, with multiple CMv4.0 files I’ve tried, the 4.0 trims never appear to actually work on the first try. Meaning, I can only get the trim layer to show “CMv4.0 working” whenever I skip around the video file (usually they are 60s long). if I rewind the video 10 seconds, this can sometimes cause the 4.0 trim to appear; but again,if I play video from the beginning, it will only show the 2.9 trim red screen. This is the same whether I hook up the Ugoos directly to my TV, or using my Q990c receiver to passthrough the video (which it also does just fine). So whether it’s direct to the TV or passthrough’d the receiver, the output is still the same.

My Ugoos is in TV-LED mode.

Any idea why this is the case? i know 4.0 files are rare and only used for streaming mainly (I bought this device for remux p7 BL + EL capability) - but it’s still kind of bothering me when I’ve heard this device can properly decode 4.0 files. Which again, it clearly CAN - since I can trigger the trim to decode by skipping around the test file; but it never works when I just hit play. By the way, I’m just playing this video files directly off the “files” part of Kodi in CoreElec, connected to my Windows over Wi-Fi via SMB.

I doubt it’s the Wi-Fi though - I played A Quiet Place 2160p remux FEL and that played beautifully, and properly passthrough’d the TrueHD + Atmos to my surround sound

Am I the only one that experiences that RAM usage increases when browsing the libraries or watching videos? It keeps steadily increasing and when it reaches around 3.5+GB of RAM used it crashes and I have to pull the power to restart the device.

Sure, it takes a long while to fill up the RAM but eventually it does and the device will crash. If I reboot before it reaches this certain crash threshold then it will reset mem usage of course and work fine but the cycle repeats. Surely it’s not supposed to be like this?

I read people have experienced similar memory leaks on other platforms and seems it has to do with some sort of memory fragmentation issue?

Some say they fixed it on other platforms by changing MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD_=8192 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin to MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD_=131072 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin in kodi.conf file but I find this variable in several config files on the Am6b plus and some of the config files I’m not allowed to overwrite. Changing it in the config file I was allowed to change the value did nothing, and after a reboot it seemed to overwrite the value back to 8192 again.

Happens on both devices I own and I have tested with fresh installs of several different nightlies without any addons or alternative skins installed, just the default settings, and still this memory usage issue persists. So I doubt it’s a defective device issue.

I forgot to ask, is it OK now to boot to Android and back to Coreelec without any problems with the dovi.ko file or something else? I will flash slimBOXtv as dual boot as I have some Android TV apps I need to use now and then. Thanks

Usually there are no problem although some users have reported remote control configuration problems on dual boot. After dual boots to both images use your remote control to make sure that all the previous functions/buttons still work the same way as before on both CE and Android.

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ok thanks, does this affect all remotes or only stock one? I’m going to use G10S Pro with USB dongle but also supports BT.

That I do not know. I think the users that reported problems were with the standard remote control that comes with the box. I myself have not had any problems with dual boot, so I am just reporting what some other users mentioned they experienced.

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cheers big fella. :saluting_face:

btw, totally different thing but are these boxes forever locked to Android 9 or could Ugoos make them work with newer OS? I mean if Nvidia could do it…or is it up to Amlogic? I mean the hardware is perfectly capable of it.

It’s up to Ugoos but that’s not how these brands work. You want a Ugoos with Android 11, you have the AM8 Pro, the SK1 and others. Furthermore, you mentioned Nvidia, every OS update received on the Nvidia Shield, reduced the performance of the device when compared to the previous OS version, as shown with Antutu, etc.

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aha ok, thinking more for future proofing for apps for those of us that will dual boot, will probably not matter too much for me as those apps I intend to use (SmartTube, IPTV Extreme Pro and other) requires Android 4.3/5/6/7, anyway as this haven’t got any update since 2022 it will probably never get more, lucky we have slimBOXtv though the base is still Android 9.

EDIT: I contacted Ugoos and got fast answer back.

“Thank you for your email,
It is not possible right now, because SoC in AM6 series has no newer SDK, so providing a firmware update with a newer Android version is impossible.”

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If you are using cpm’s version with all correct settings and are still having screen color problems after playing certain movies then there is a new cpm updated version T4A that resolves this problem (see link below). If you are not experiencing this problem then you can stay with cpm version T4 and there is no need to update.

Hey guys, I’ve just received my new Ugoos AM6b Plus and finished setting it up with the dual boot CoreElec firmware. I’ve updated the CE build to the latest CPM build and the only thing I’m unsure of is where do I place the dovi.ko file? And how do I place it there??? Thanks

As described in the 1. post

The post describes the process for installing from a USB. As I mentioned, I already have CoreElec installed as part of my dual boot firmware so no USB to speak of.