[S922X] Ugoos AM6(+), Help & Support

I use a fast microSD so I do not notice any performance issues. I tested using emmc early on and at least I cannot notice any performance differences for my use case. Your mileage my vary depending on your use case.

I use this card that cost me $25 when I bought it. It works great.

“Samsung Pro Ultimate” microSD Memory Card, 128GB microSDXC, 200 MB/s, 4K UHD, UHS-I, Class 10, U3,V30, A2.

I like to leave the USB ports available to attach other devices and also use it as the CE update method. I do not like to use smb for security reasons.

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ok, burned Android again and restored CE backup, rebooting to Android works now…for the moment lol.

edit: back to the problem with resolution/Hz, after reboot it only picks up the soundbar info not TV resolutions like 1080p/24hz and so on, can I somehow edit the list of resolution I want? I read about disp_cap to add the resolutions I want, idiot Samsung with their stupid decisions. Thanks

I never had to deal with this problem so I do not know how to resolve it.

it seems that coreelec is reading the EDID from my soundbar instead of TV, so I get the wrong resolutions, I do have the box connected to the soundbar and soundbar to TV so I get all lossless audio, was not a problem with Shield as it picked up the TV EDID and not soundbar.

edit: I might seem to found a workaround by using 3840x2160p 60Hz as GUI resolution so when playing 1080p content it upscales to 2160p 24Hz so the box is doing the upscaling instead of the TV, might use that then if there is no fix for letting the TV do that as I also could run 1080p 120Hz GUI.

There is only one EDID to be read by CE, in case of box connected to Soundbar it’s for sure the one provided by the soundbar (which should merge TVs EDID it receives, along with its own audio capabilities).
But your TV/Soundbar combination seems to be known for issues

he seems to have problems with PC, I don’t watch stuff through PC, anyway I found a solution I’m happy with, tbh I guess it’s this way I also ran the Nvidia Shield as I let it do the upscaling but thought of letting the TV do the 1080p upscaling.

btw, do I need to whitelist any resolution now or just let them be? Thanks

Hmm, I am in different forums so not sure how to do in this one. @Portisch @rho-bot could one of you please help @vymrr report his bug/issue appropriately so it can hopefully be resolved. Thank you. It seems that Hisense TVs shows this problem and I saw at least two different users report the same bug/issue.

same for me… have a samsung 935b in passthrough mode with Sony TV and the stupid thing cuts the plenty of refresh rate options while actually having no problem with them. Only disp_cap override works (the downside that I don’t get to see the nice CE loading/splash screen with this hack). That would be a bummer if/when we get the NO with the new kernel as disp_cap is no longer there. For a better solution I was looking into a edid-programmable hdmi dongles, but couldn’t find any reasonably priced ones so far (no more than ~30-40 eur). samsung are something…
Also don’t see eARC as a full solution as it’s also prone to glitches, dropouts and more latency (at least on older Sony TVs)

yeah Samsung with their decisions but it’s really not a big problem, I also ran my Nvidia Shield at 2160p GUI as I let it upscale as it’s quite good so this issue did not appear, this time I thought of letting the TV do the upscale as it might be little better than the AM6B+ box so I had to use 1080p GUI that’s when I noticed it, but I don’t watch much low resolution media anyway, it’s some older movies/series but it’s still 1080p remux quality so it still looks good and I could not really tell any difference compared to previous Nvidia Shield Kodi setup, I’m happy now. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I will probably buy Sony HT-A9M2 (Bravia Quad) system and see how it behaves, I get it for very good price brand new so worth try it. :slight_smile:

good day, some one knows that? I just turned it on, as always. :frowning:
any thoughts? many thanks!

Hi! Just received my new AM6B+ box, installed the latest version (21.1.1) as per instructions and I am having one issue while using PM4K (Plex for Kodi) and trying to playback DV Profile 7 movies. Basically when I hit play everything freezes and only the sound comes out, fortunately I can still go back to stop the “playback” but otherwise the movie is not actually running.

I’ve also installed an earlier version 21.0, I was not able to find any nightly versions of it, so I would guess it is the stable one and everything works fine with it! DV Profile 7 plays perfectly ok through Plex.

Moreover, I’ve tried both the T4 and T4A builds from CPM, I am facing the same issue with both versions, I’m guessing it’s because they are based on 21.1

If anyone has a clue on what might be wrong, I would greatly appreciate your help! Thanks a lot!

if you are using PM4K then follow the guide below. If you got a new AM6B+ box then you should be at firmware 0.5.4n which does not need any updates or changes. If you changed your firmware before installing CE then post back.


After following this guide then you can update to cpm’s version T4A

OK so I’ve got an AM6B Plus and initially I had installed CoreElec on the emmc with normal Ugoos firmware. It was good but it was too annoying having to boot into CoreElec first then rebooting to android. After a while of testing that out I flashed the latest Ugoos 0.5.4 DCE dual boot firmware and updated CoreElec to the latest CPM build and I gotta say it’s so much nicer doing it that way. Bootup time is a bit quicker and there’s a factory reboot to CoreElec option in the menu which is accessible by simply holding the power button down on the remote. I use an Nvidia Shield Pro remote which also works perfectly. Each operating system can be updated independently too which is handy. It’s simply a case of flashing the dce Ugoos firmware then throwing the CPM T4A build into the update folder with the dovi.ko and rebooting and away you go! Everything integrated and working perfectly!

Tried again and unfortunately it still doesn’t work. I am on the latest firmware, 0.5.4n

I guess it depends on peoples use case, first I did was to flash slimBOXtv as I want Android TV interface/apps, but I only use Android for IPTV/YouTube so I rather have it booting Coreelec as I mostly watch movies/series, and when it’s time to watch football or YouTube video I reboot to Android. :slight_smile:

I tried to install ceemmc to am6b but the message not support it.

“No official support” doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.
You can just continue, type “y”

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Did you follow every step (the only steps you can skip are the optional steps) including the recommended/optimal settings?

If you bought a new Ugoos with firmware 0.5.4n from factory and you did not changed it, and followed every single step (except the optional steps) on the guide including the recommended/optimal settings it works since many have done it successfully. Normally problems occurs because the required steps are not followed or not followed correctly. So I would recommend starting from scratch including reinstalling the core full CE system and make sure you use the PM4K from the repo from the guide.

worked. cheers.

Followed every step by the book and unfortunately the problem still occurs. It’s super weird as it only happens with some DV movies, not all Profile 7 don’t work and it doesn’t matter if they use FEL or MEL, the behaviour is the same. For example, I have the Hobbit movies which are all DV Profile 7 (I don’t think they are FEL). Only the second one in the series plays fine, the rest are basically giving me a black screen (the audio still works, though). Top Gun Maverick also has the same issue and this one uses FEL. Going back to 21.0 it’s all good, but unfortunately I can’t find like a more recent nightly version of 21.0 :frowning:

Additional details, box is connected to the LG Soundbar (SP9YA) adn soundbar to earc on an LG C1 tv.