[S922X] Ugoos AM6(+), Help & Support

What happen, when you disable the plex addon then reboot.

It works great without the addon. But the problem came suddenly. I didn’t change or add anything.

You could try PlexMod4Kodi instead of PlexKodiConnect to see if it resolves the problem.

did you get an answer? I also have 922x only as boot Pic. I thought and I hope I have an amb6+.

latest ce nightly is running

Unfortunately no clear answers from the devs so far. I just enjoy my device and trust the seller on Aliexpress that this is as advertised.

same problem and under Android there is only AM6B no plus

it works again. it was because of the music database

very strange. enjoying is always good :wink: device works perfectly here as well. and if fel is working, no clue. but fantastic Pic quality :slight_smile:

I have no idea how to boot into android but begure I destroy something (very likely) I will not try… :slight_smile:

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Help, support CPM build

Same question, I also wonder why 21.1 can’t be played.

there might have been updates to underlying libraries between 21.0 and 21.1.X releases (ffmpeg, parsers, kodi, etc), so plenty of places where it could have been ‘broken’

Just some findings while getting my unit running.

The settings recommendations says:

However, when playing very high bitrate (~110mbps) content, I was seeing stuttering and buffering. Setting the cache memory size to a minimum of 192MB fixed the problem for me.

Also, for anyone wanting to rig up a custom power supply for the AMB6+, the DC barrel jack is an uncommon 4.0mm x 1.7mm tuning fork connector. Helpful if you want to pick up a USB-PD to 12V barrel adapter.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Nightly builds (NEW)

Am I to use the stable download on the frontpage for new installs for the AM6B or the NE/NG/NO version?
Would be great with the DV working but not sure which version to pick.

so if I want to let the TV upscale and run the GUI at 1080p 120Hz, do I need to whitelist any resolutions?

With 1080p GUI, box will upscale anything <1080p to 1080p. Then TV upscales 1080p → 4K. It is best compromise.

If you want TV to upscale everything, then whitelist everything below 1080p. But OSD will be content resolution and can look ugly.

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Also try increasing chunk size on smb/nfs/cache to 1MB. I found it is even faster like that.

22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Help, support CPM build

If you have stock Ugoos android firmware rooted with magisk, then there’s a magisk module available on the 4PDA forum to convert it to Android TV and apply the recent boot up image etc. It works well, I use it on the Ugoos dual boot firmware and the whole setup works great.