On my LG c1 while seeking any DV 7 FEL video black screen appear for a second, DV profile 8.1 profile work fine though. I tried stable, nightly, cpm a9, cpm a10, nothing helped. Is this some tv model specific problem?
Try it with player-led turned on in the settings, also use the latest beta PM4K 0.8.0-beta5.1. What happens after a second? C1 should work with FEL just like the C2 and C3. I assumed you have tried multiple movies and or have a known good device to test them on?
I tried player-led, also I tried watching using pm4k 0.7.9-rev and PM4K 0.8.0-beta5.1 and also directly from SMB server and emmc of ugoos, problem reoccurred in any environment. I am using FEL test file from this post and multiple DV movies. After black screen playing continues normally, no DV logo appears or smth like that. Sometimes black screen remains for longer time, but I cant replicate it reliably.
Hi I also have this exact issue and can confirm unplugging the hdmi cable and plugging it back in fixes the issue.
Its as if the hdmi handshake or connection to my LG OLED C2 vanishes sometimes when playing back a video file.
Hi Vartik any update on this issue?
I bough my AM6b+ and have the same issue with my LG C2, tried everything possible, different hdmi cables, 4 different builds/stable and nightlies and CPM etc
Videos still drop out randomly, its like the hmdi handshake or signal vanishes
I can unplug and replug the hdmi cable to get a signal back again but obviously not good enough.
Try toggling sources instead instead of unplugging. It works on my G2 when there is an HDMI handshake loss. Obviously not a fix but can make your life a little easier.
This seems to have started happening in a November nightly. Before I never had a single HDMI loss.
Seems like it’s happening to those of us with LG TVs specifically so it might be an LG issue rather than Kodi or CoreElec issue.
I’ve found that switching HDMI inputs on my C3 and waiting for the input dialog box to disappear then switching back to the Ugoos regains the signal, so it’s not so terrible for me.
I do feel it’s less frequent now than when I first got my boxes though but that might be my mind playing tricks on me.
thanks, totally new to CE and ugoosAM6b+
Just glad its not me going mad
I just tried a fresh installation on microsd, issue occured again had to run a video playback 38 times to re-create the issue and have the logs.
Is it worth starting a new thread and pasting the link there for maybe CE team or others to check into?
I think its worth it. I don’t think there have been any logs posted on this issue because it is so fickle to catch.
It only happens to me occasionally, maybe once every 2-3 days, and I use my Am6b+ heavily.
Yes also on LG C2, I will try toggling source/hdmi and see if the image comes back, that is a much better fix (if it works for me, well should do!). Since its only maybe 30-40% of the time happening roughly.
I have a check list of other stuff to try but am new so not 100% clued up on it but will give it a shot, I have tried the Stable CE release and also 2 different nightlies (last 2) and also CPM, all the same issue.
30-40% percent is a lot though. It only happens very rarely for me but it’s difficult to quantify as it is quite random. Maybe if I had to guess 1 in 50 videos on average I will lose signal when video stops.
Sorry should have said, during me trying to trigger the issue like really hard and playing back a video file like 50-80 times.
Well maybe 10-20% of time during normal playback.
If I can press hdmi input button and it brings picture back, guess its livable for now but obviously not ideal.
Anyhow I have posted a new thread here and also posted my logs so hopefully we can find a better fix, it really does feel like a software issue to me but could be wrong.
Why is HDR 10 material playing back in 12 bit unless I force it to 10bit? Shouldn’t it be 10bit all the time?
I recently received my Ugoos AM6B+, and I think it has a broken video engine. When I play any HEVC/H.265 content, the video is purple-ish, pinkish, and there are visual artifacts on the screen. I tested with multiple TVs, and multiple HDMI cables, and the symptom is the same on both Android and CE. Playing H.264 or VP9 content is working as expected. I wonder if re-flash (of the Ugoos Android software) would solve it? How it can be, that only HEVC/H.265 is broken?
Issue is visible here: https://imgur.com/a/OU0quqJ
Can somebody confirm, that such issue can happen, that amlogic hardware decoder or the VPU ( Advanced Video Engine Gen10) is broken, and if it is a hardware error? If it is confirmed, I will return the device and ask for a replacement. Thanks for the hints.
I’m also experiencing frequent hdmi drops from my Am6b+ on an Epson 4k projector. Image goes black for 4/5seconds before returning. I’m running the latest nightly. No issues on my khadas vim3 with the same projector so seems like it may not be just issue with LG displays as others have mentioned.
- I’m using a quality hdmi 2.1 cable not the one it came with
Yes very true in regards to LG displays, I can edit my thread and mention for Epson 4k projector but was thinking of keeping it simple for now. I think there is one TCL TV owner.
It does sound like the same issue, my picture can sometimes come back or even after 5 minutes or not at all.
Maybe keep an eye on my new thread here
If there is more wide spread hdmi signal drop bug (which perhaps its looking like) then CE team or other users can figure it out going forward, and with luck it works across all platforms.
Tcl here with am6+. No signal loss ever…
I sometimes lose signal, although rarely.
It happens when I play a video.
After I change the inputs on the TV, the signal returns.
C2 owner here with issues on HDMI signal loss…had a 2 m certified german hdmi 2.1 cable that had issues…have changed it to another brand with 1.5m length to avoid any signaling issues and was still experiencing signal losses.
Problem is that not always I was able to solve it by switching sources inputs, sometimes it worked ans signal came back, but many times I had to power on the box itself.
Don’t think the issue is a hdmi cable on my end…have tried different builds, but seems like the issues were more frequent on post A5 CPM builds, currently reverted back to mainline and testing 21.1.1-Omega_nightly_20241118.
Glad that it’s not only me with these frequent issues, happens so random and will keep an eye to post also a .log file when it occurs-never down it before, but seems pretty straight forward from the wiki.
thanks for confirming this, so TCL and Epson 4K projector.
I think I will just update my thread since this is now sounding like a more wide spread issue.